

  • Loss


    You were a great brother,
    that will always be remembered,
    In our hearts and our minds.

    To get a chance to know you,
    I am greatful for that.
    I grew up without you there,
    to have fun with,
    play with,
    or even to fight with,
    as all siblings do.

    When I finally got to meet you,
    I swore I would never loose you again.
    We kept in contact,
    and I grew to love you like family,
    and not just a brother.

    A family is a sacred bond,
    that should never be broken.
    Although things happened,
    and our family was tore apart.
    I feel I have been blessed,
    to have gotten some of the pieces,
    of my broken family back.

    I have always loved you
    and kept you in my thoughts.
    Even when we were miles apart.
    May god help guide you across,
    to the other side,
    and angels fly with you,
    until you are safe in god's hands.

    I love you brother,
    and know that you are always
    with me,
    in mind, body, and soul.

    Until we meet again,
    in the big sky above,
    I love you and you will always be with me!

    Poem Comments


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    sk commented on Brother


    Obviously there's a lot of history and unsaid things going on here..but your love is just as obvious and this is a good write.

    fennesse commented on Brother


    this is a beauty Miss P i relate to your pain. there's a thin line huh, between pain and beauty

    LadyIntellect commented on Brother


    sorry about ur loss he sounded like a great brother

    shawnrekett commented on Brother


    I really like this. Although some would say that the way you versed it didn't have rhythm, I could really feel the heart that went into this. I too know the pain of losing someone. Keep up the good work

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Is There Love Like This? 6
    Games 0
    My Man ( you know who you are) 6
    How I Feel about You! 2
    Lesson's Learned 2
    Change 2
    What I want! 4
    YOU 3
    Confused? 4
    Keep Runnin' Your Mouth 5
    Love Making 4
    I Dreamed of You 3
    Tired 8
    To the One I Don't Know 2
    A Journey through Life 2
    Here I sit 6
    Heaven 6
    Trust 2
    A life of love 3
    When I'm gone 7
    I sit and think 7
    I Wish 6
    Son 3
    Thoughts of Mother 7
    Brother 5