Here I sit


  • Loss

    Here I sit

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    No one to talk to,
    no one to confide in.
    I carry your memories,
    deep inside of me.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    Wanting nothing more,
    but to see you again.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    Darkness falls,
    upon my days.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    awaiting the day,
    we are joined again.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    Tired of fighting
    a battle never won.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.
    Wanting to die,
    yet I'm not sure why.

    Missing you
    and the way we talked,
    the secrets we shared,
    the times we laughed.
    Now without you
    alone I sit.
    Wishing you were here,
    to dry away all the tears.

    Here I sit,
    alone inside.

    Poem Comments


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    TheShowMan commented on Here I sit


    This is very good :), dark but still awesome as well.

    kenparme commented on Here I sit


    Good poem-hits the heart.

    fennesse commented on Here I sit


    that's it ma.deeply felt

    LadyIntellect commented on Here I sit


    deep, real deep, loved it

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
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