

  • Confusion


    I think of you day and night,
    your in my dreams,
    and I keep you in my sight.
    I wake up to you,
    and go to sleep to you.
    I can't seem to get you,
    out of my mind.

    You have a hold on me,
    I think I will have to let it go.
    I can't do this to myself,
    when I know I will only want you more.
    I have tried to fight this hold,
    you have on me,
    but in the end,
    it is me who has the hold on you.

    I have to let you go,
    I don't want to see you leave.
    I have to move on now,
    but I'm afraid I'm unable,
    to let go of you.

    I want to see you,
    and feel you in my arms.
    Hold you close,
    and kiss you all night.
    I know if I see you,
    I will not want to let you go!
    I will only want to stay,
    and you will want me to go away.
    We'll have our fun
    and you'll be done.
    While I will be wanting more,
    than you are willing to give.

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    origionalmerlin commented on Confused?


    agrees with Still.. violently dissagrees with studly.. reasons.. if poetry were not personal shakespheres sonnets, and a whole lot of other""Classical poets" wouldnt be read, studied in schools and universities,. andrew

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Is There Love Like This? 6
    Games 0
    My Man ( you know who you are) 6
    How I Feel about You! 2
    Lesson's Learned 2
    Change 2
    What I want! 4
    YOU 3
    Confused? 4
    Keep Runnin' Your Mouth 5
    Love Making 4
    I Dreamed of You 3
    Tired 8
    To the One I Don't Know 2
    A Journey through Life 2
    Here I sit 6
    Heaven 6
    Trust 2
    A life of love 3
    When I'm gone 7
    I sit and think 7
    I Wish 6
    Son 3
    Thoughts of Mother 7
    Brother 5