Is There Love Like This?


  • Love

    Is There Love Like This?

    Body's intwined
    as though they were one.
    A whisper in the ear,
    a kiss on the neck,
    a brush of fate.
    To be one with each other,
    in no other way.
    Three little words,
    whispered in the wind.
    Can this be?
    Has fate allowed this to be?
    Legs wrapped around one another,
    as the moment gets hotter.
    Sweat rolling as
    the body temperature rises.
    Grinding and grinding,
    until the climax arrives.
    Three little words,
    whispered in the ear,
    I Love You!

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    travisd76 commented on Is There Love Like This?


    I liked that... full of emotion and passion. A good poem

    hsj777 commented on Is There Love Like This?


    you know i've read many poems like this and all i have to say is it was outstanding...if you can portay your feelings to your audience in a way that really touches them then you've really accomplished your goal...good job and i look forward to reading more of y0ur works...

    GucciGurl commented on Is There Love Like This?


    Wow gurl sounds like u been having some fun. Now thats what im talking about. Kinda gives me an idea about a new experience I had, aww but I better not write that



    No fun just yet but, I plan on a whole night filled with fun!

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Is There Love Like This? 6
    Games 0
    My Man ( you know who you are) 6
    How I Feel about You! 2
    Lesson's Learned 2
    Change 2
    What I want! 4
    YOU 3
    Confused? 4
    Keep Runnin' Your Mouth 5
    Love Making 4
    I Dreamed of You 3
    Tired 8
    To the One I Don't Know 2
    A Journey through Life 2
    Here I sit 6
    Heaven 6
    Trust 2
    A life of love 3
    When I'm gone 7
    I sit and think 7
    I Wish 6
    Son 3
    Thoughts of Mother 7
    Brother 5