

  • Anger


    So many things
    run through my mind,
    some are twisted
    and some are dead.
    To know what I think,
    is mindblowing to me
    the thoughts I have
    kinda scare me.
    I want to hurt you
    and make you bleed.
    Why oh why
    do you do this to me?
    I want you to feel pain,
    the way that I have.
    I want you to suffer
    before you must die.
    Why do you make me,
    feel the way I do?
    I know I am better,
    so why am I,
    still here with you?
    Your useless words,
    and uncaring touch,
    makes me feel,
    like blowing you up!
    Will you ever grow up
    and become a man,
    Treat a woman
    as though she were your mother?
    I'm getting tired
    can't you tell?
    It's almost been
    8 years of hell.

    Poem Comments


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    relaxurmindkb commented on Tired


    very raw and expressive power filled piece kinda painful but eyeopening, great release of inner hostility.

    concience commented on Tired


    i like the write. but if you are serious of blowing this guy up or showing him pain. you may wanna leave the situation youre in. simply because if ur anger does drive you to do such an act, your poem is on this site. which would make you suspect. other than dat, its creative.

    sk commented on Tired


    This is a very strong piece of writing...I feel your pain...I've felt it before...I can't tell you what to do, other than to love yourself and remember you deserve to be happy...

    fennesse commented on Tired


    Ms P that's what I'm talking about! your getting better and I'm sorry it's though pain however gold goes through fire and then it's pure,and this is not an explanation of your pain just proof that your stronger and you know that. Remember, this poem might be from new pain it might be from the old just keep in your thoughts your woman, your a gueen and your gold!

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Is There Love Like This? 6
    Games 0
    My Man ( you know who you are) 6
    How I Feel about You! 2
    Lesson's Learned 2
    Change 2
    What I want! 4
    YOU 3
    Confused? 4
    Keep Runnin' Your Mouth 5
    Love Making 4
    I Dreamed of You 3
    Tired 8
    To the One I Don't Know 2
    A Journey through Life 2
    Here I sit 6
    Heaven 6
    Trust 2
    A life of love 3
    When I'm gone 7
    I sit and think 7
    I Wish 6
    Son 3
    Thoughts of Mother 7
    Brother 5