Her Dance


  • Art

    Her Dance

    Her shadow still dances on this street
    Carefree of all control
    Never stumbling, or missing a beat
    As if music was born into her soul
    She dances light and full of grace
    Unaware of any who are watching
    So many emotions upon her face
    So little care of the miracles happening
    It's a sight to see indeed
    And many come from afar
    None of them caring at all of the speed
    Taking trains, planes, or car
    As long as they reach her before
    She decides to dance no more

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    SavVySam commented on Her Dance


    Hi there, I haven't visited in a while and wanted to say hi and take a peak...this is a wonderful work! I love the "carefree of all control!" Stay well..

    wheelsal commented on Her Dance


    Another nice work. Keep writing. Sally...........

    kochab commented on Her Dance


    wow thats very gracefull. I think you did a good job on it although im not one for the less rhyming poems.

    NayInLove commented on Her Dance


    love the imagery!!

    MX commented on Her Dance


    I liked "Black and Blue" and "Her Dance" the best of your poems which I read. Keep writing. I like your poems better than the others I've read on this web site so far. I'm a new comer and perhaps and early goer. I've done this for a long time. P

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    frgy25’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    It’s Okay to Smile 1
    A Letter from my Mother 0
    Laid to Rest 0
    White Wall 0
    Your Music 0
    Young and Free 0
    Living Again 0
    Proud 0
    A Wrinkle in Time 1
    The Murder... 1
    Grimm 4
    The Bayou 3
    Dare To 1
    The Bed I Have Made 2
    Mirrors 7
    Our God 2
    Her Dance 5
    For Mother 3
    Haunting Memory 5