From Danny to Daniel


  • Friendship

    Poem Commentary

    A best friend never sees the ugliness pain emits,fails hear the fractured cry of need, or to forget from where his strength comes.

    From Danny to Daniel

         Now comes Danny, he who knows me for my heart, and still excepts my friendship and love.

    Those precious few that referred to his wandering spirit  as milestone, feared for his safety marveled at his rebounding fervor.

    The lose of his numbered lives drained a once lively demeanor, witnessed and mourned by us.

    Daily induction of the mindless white noise heard from others damping the love he knew.

         Now comes Danny, the very best friend one can find, especially when you are me.

    His dogged loyalty, surfaced in his gathered associates, never failed him or forgave his enemies.

    My part in this was being protector general, you see for an unknown reason I always knew when he needed me.

    The weight visible cruelty laid upon his soul spoke out to me, among all the clutter life provides, he cry was heard.

         Now comes Danny, his spirit torn, weak from strife, consumed and condemned to loneliness his constant companion.

    The sun no longer glistened  from his eye, all glitter gone he shined no more, we were the losers.

    When those few noticed a loss of vital cheer, it had become to late, for he who takes away can never be instrumental in giving him back his smile.

    Among the reticent viewers giving cause to his demise, a favorite five chemical cocktail became his battle cry.

         Here lies Danny, broken beyond repair, seen through his eye life begins to struggle less no longer willing to survive.

    Old love filling every waking dream, logically analyzing their fault in his wretched painful existence.

    Rendered immobile, his sorrow counted among his only friends, his stamina wained and eventually fled from each weary breath he drew.

    As with all, rebirth deals a special pain needed to allow evolution room to stretch it's opening arms.

         Now comes Daniel, fresh from a living death, healed and redeemed he carries his trouble soul outstretched  before him with pride.

    Returned his heralds proclaim reverent belief in God, in family, in country, and once again in his own worth.

    My mission has become an opportunity, hopefully gratuitous, to find his true love amid these ill fated masses.

    Presenting his defective thought totally covered in sweet molasses, polishing his elegance, sharpening his wit, I set out for the temple.

         Now comes Daniel, bright as a newly minted dime, his karma illuminating an attractive beam focused and alive.

    All offerings geared to supress the creeping evil, that so plauged his unhappy path, rendering the unlucky harbinger powerless succumbing to a gleaming, glittering, new way of life.........  


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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    lucky62’s Poems (45)

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