worship the warships


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    worship the warships

    This is not a poem
    This is my last breath
    It's the  fight of my life 'cause tonight I dine with death
    From here I can hear them scream as our city burns red
    The flames flicker to paint a picture with the fire light
    As I write my last sentence, my fate puncuated with a firefight
    The rein of this arsons arsenal ends tonight 
    I see the sea lined with there torches
    As my peoples feet hit the beach to meet their forces
    Forced to the  shore to worship the warships
    Armies have fallen by talk of their numbers alone
    and with each army defeated their number have grown
    Intimidations there greatest weapon
    So, If I have no army I'll go it alone
    If I have no arsonal I'll sharpen my bones
    And stretch my flesh into war drums
    I want them to know with all their senses when this war comes
    so they see, hear, smell and taste defeat
    Falling to the feet of a one man fleet
    This is the price of deceit

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    Etcpress commented on worship the warships


    Nice use of illiteration and imagery - full of tight words and concise thoughts. I love how you switch from noun to verb, using the same word.



    Thank you for taking the time to read my work and thanks for the positive feedback, I'm so glad you liked it.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    rootsandwings’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object 1
    Ambivalent skin 1
    The American Theme 0
    sticks and stones 0
    Indigent of innocence 0
    Atlas for lost souls 1
    Man in love vs. Boy in lust 0
    worship the warships 1
    Outcome of income 0
    Talks of tics-tocked 0
    Thinking aloud 1
    we were five 0
    DREAM 1
    Fire flys like Fireflies 0
    Union by trade, United by choice 0
    “Flo de florum” 1
    A pound of flesh 1
    She is 0
    Constellation 2
    The adventurer 2