


Out of nowhere, to I don’t know where, but she goes there quite often

If I knew how long she’d be gone it’d probably soften the blow

But I just sit and watch as my soul fades

 She just phases out into spaces
Far from the reach of my apologetic, sentimental phrases

Helplessly I claw at the sky,
trying to rip a whole in this curtain hung to hide heaven

If I was a betting man I’d bet that’s where she goes,
 here glow cloaked in sunlight

She tip toes in the clouds, looking down, wishing she could show me

But I fear I’ll never see, I’ll never see the seas of lights she seizes

Or the breezes that dance from her lips to sway the trees

I notice these subtle signs but my logical mind doesn’t believe

Faith has faded with here touch

 it’s too much for me to believe I’ll turn to anything but dust

But I must, I have to see her again

I have to harness my soul, renounce control of my mind it’s not mine

I keep  telling myself I’m am an entity, unfathomable energy rapped in flesh

But until my heart reunites with the whole of its parts
I am nothing more than trying

Trying to ensure we’ll be together again,
that we we’ll live happily ever after after dying

 Until I find a way to be together again, try is all I’ll do

I see you shining, I’m pining for your touch

I will dance in the glow of your star dust until I shine with you

An organic being in this mechanical thing racing toward celestial light

To ignite, to burn and turn this flesh to ash and the ashes to dust

When these ashes combust they’ll form a star in your likeness

Side by side, two star, the two brightest





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Luwonda commented on Constellation


Amazing! Good fantasy poem; I like the way you compare your love for the constellation to your love for a woman. I like the way she mysteriously came into your life out of space and onto a cloud and you two became two stars. Fascinating!



I am glad you could draw emotion from my writting, I really enjoy hearing other poets take on my work. Thank you Luwonda.

Insideme commented on Constellation


Two star, Is that venus and jupiter?..What a refreshing write full of mind blowing imagery. really takes me to another place....great work there roots and wings.



NO, but I wish I had thought of that. That is a cool concept, very insightful and imginary. Thanks Insideme.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

rootsandwings’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object 1
Ambivalent skin 1
The American Theme 0
sticks and stones 0
Indigent of innocence 0
Atlas for lost souls 1
Man in love vs. Boy in lust 0
worship the warships 1
Outcome of income 0
Talks of tics-tocked 0
Thinking aloud 1
we were five 0
Fire flys like Fireflies 0
Union by trade, United by choice 0
“Flo de florum” 1
A pound of flesh 1
She is 0
Constellation 2
The adventurer 2