Union by trade, United by choice


Union by trade, United by choice

States minimum wages waver with a continued lack of respect

pay is made minimal as they continue stacking the debt

Government officials say they’ll save us, but here’s the catch

Political lack of vision contrives more laws of near sightedness

Like they’ve forgotten how long and hard this fight has been

They wish to break ranks and make slaves of divided men

Passing laws that rob a man of his worth

Revoke his rights, put it in writing then call it “Right to work”

It’s little more than a kill order of our nation’s labor relations

This proposed assassination of our united association

This sharp pointed, short sighted, one sided point of view is far from new

This war has been fought for years

The battle lines lined in picket signs written in our forefather’s blood, sweat and tears

Beyond the flesh and fluid united hands move in a fluid movement

As one, righteously united, we call it Union

Brothers and sisters scream out against the grinding gears of the machine

Their fight takes flight igniting the American dream, united in one scream, one voice

Union by trade, united by choice

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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

rootsandwings’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object 1
Ambivalent skin 1
The American Theme 0
sticks and stones 0
Indigent of innocence 0
Atlas for lost souls 1
Man in love vs. Boy in lust 0
worship the warships 1
Outcome of income 0
Talks of tics-tocked 0
Thinking aloud 1
we were five 0
Fire flys like Fireflies 0
Union by trade, United by choice 0
“Flo de florum” 1
A pound of flesh 1
She is 0
Constellation 2
The adventurer 2