Whispers The wind


  • Nature

    Whispers The wind

    The wind whispers to my skin,
    Gives my body cold chills.
    Peaceful melody tone an echo,
    That the wind chimes instill.
    Embraced by the gust of air,
    Caressed by it's sweet words.
    The ascension of the breeze,
    Gives flight to the birds.
    The subtle poetic flow,
    Is bellowing through the trees.
    As soft rays of sun light,
    Warms the gentle breeze.
    There's a lullaby of sounds,
    Created by the wind that blows.
    Nestled by the mercy of the sway,
    That the leaves on the trees bestows.
    Nature's hymns are hummed,
    With an unceasing end.
    As my skin is softly kissed,
    By the whispers of the wind.

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    KJULEST commented on Whispers The wind


    I love the way you made me feel in the piece. Beautiful flow. Great visuals. Awesome work

    HeavenlyAngel commented on Whispers The wind



    Vincent commented on Whispers The wind


    I thought this was a very good poem, I like the way it catches the imagination with visual stimulation. (GP) smiles Vincent

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

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    My Spirit From Within 1
    What would I do ? 1
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    Whispers The wind 3
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