Growing Old


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    Growing Old

    A lot of people do not like their work,
    I must say that I enjoy what I do.
    It's a great job without all of the perks,
    This is my way of explaining it to you.
    Taking care of the elderly for five years,
    Working at a nursing home.
    Heard many stories and shed many tears,
    They once lived in a house of their own.
    This is my story that must be told,
    Keep on reading and you will understand.
    What it is like for us to grow old,
    Going from being an adult to being a baby again.
    Having to wear diaper's ,losing their dignity,
    Being in a wheel chair,not able to walk.
    Not in a way that they envisioned them to be,
    Some not able to hear ,some not able to talk.
    Can not eat by themselves,having to be fed,
    Most of the time they say no one cares.
    A lot of them wished they were dead.
    I love them ,is why I work there,
    Where I work there is a lot of death.
    I know that they will be in a better place,
    As I hold their hand as they take their last breath.
    For the tears will run down my face.
    To walk into their room and to see them smile,
    Because they know that I really do care.
    Asked to sit and talk for a while.
    To hear any thoughts that they would like to share.
    So you see this is why I love where I work,
    My heart is always in the right place.
    Who care's if there aren't any perks,
    What matters to me are those smile's on their face.
    To see what it is like to grow old for the elderly,
    Just visit a nursing home and walk the halls.
    This job is not for everyone you see,
    So ,this could be your wake up call.
    This is where God wants me to be,
    Because he knows that I care so deeply.

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    billwright commented on Growing Old


    Love it! Only a person who really cares could do a job like that,I cant imagine how difficult it would,I care,but I could never do it!

    BCP commented on Growing Old


    Libra, great write, be there that that. takes special person to deal with reality. great emotion, and God Bless You.

    Vincent commented on Growing Old


    kind. (GP) Smiles Vincent

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    libra46’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
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    Summer Night Wind 1
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    Once Again 6
    Growing Old 3
    On Paper These Words 5
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    My Spirit From Within 1
    What would I do ? 1
    Just If 4
    Whispers The wind 3
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    Not Knowing 3
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    Angel Of White 1
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