Summer Night Wind


  • Nature

    Summer Night Wind

    Oh, the Summer night wind,
    Spinning the summer days into satin,
    Oh, how I adore you.
    Come and cool this torrid flesh,
    With your gentle balm.
    Coil your arms through my hair,
    Revitalize me as you only can.
    I long for the comfort,
    Of your shivering touch.
    So, caress me, stroke me,
    Make love to my hot flesh,
    As you do to the soft meadow grass.
    As you do lift me up,
    Let me kiss the stars,
    So that I will remember,
    All of my dreams tonight.
    Clutch them in my grasp,
    When I face another blistering day.

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    Vincent commented on Summer Night Wind


    (GP) There is a cool wind a blowin, summer night wind, what a great poem. smiles Vincent

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

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