In My Prayer's


In My Prayer's

I say a prayer everyday,
For the ones who are in pain.
For those who are grieving,
The one's who are in chains.
I say a prayer everyday,
For the innocents who have died,
Unselfishly by the scores.
For the one's who are far away from home,
Protecting our country,fighting a war.
I say a prayer everyday,
For the homeless who are sleeping.
On beds which are made of stone.
Those who are out of work,
For the one's who are all alone.
I say a prayer everyday,
To ease the suffering of victims.
That no one ever hears,
For battered wives and children.
Which are drowning in their tears.
I wished that I could wrap my arms around them,
Tell them that it will be okay.
That I will say a prayer for them,
Each and everyday.

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Oblaidon commented on In My Prayer's


I wish I could help them from their plight. There are too many in God's sight.

magicmanzz commented on In My Prayer's


libra that is a very touching poem i give you a 10+

THEWIND2 commented on In My Prayer's


so we pray I like this peom mucho grande

Realistic commented on In My Prayer's


Thanks for praying for us. I realy like this one, it spoke to me.

tmillander commented on In My Prayer's


i loved this poem keep writing you have an eye and a way of putting that vision into words

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

libra46’s Poems (27)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When I Think Of You 0
The Leaf 0
Mirror ! Mirror! 3
Dreams Of Love 2
I'll Wait 5
Summer Night Wind 1
Always There 3
Inside Her Wall's 9
In My Prayer's 7
One's Thought 6
Life's Lesson's 8
Visions of Stars 3
Once Again 6
Growing Old 3
On Paper These Words 5
A Summer Dream 2
My Spirit From Within 1
What would I do ? 1
Just If 4
Whispers The wind 3
New Begining 1
Not Knowing 3
Song Bird 4
Angel Of White 1
Cold Winter's morn 1
Finding My place 2
Heart and Soul 6