I'll Wait


  • Fantasy

    I'll Wait

    The night lights a fire that glows in every valley,
    The days warmth to keep.
    Sinking between the hills,
    Shimmering across the deep.
    Below the hills where silver water flows,
    Night calls a million star's that are twice as bright.
    As the falling white snow.
    Midnight frost's the evergreens,
    Silver clings to every tip.
    Reminding me of the promises,
    That hung on your lips.
    I hear a distant baying,
    Beneath the splended moon,
    Where the night creature's circle.
    Lonely hearts in tune.
    Yet for me the night,
    Shall never grow late.
    Beneath the lover's moon,
    My lonely heart will wait.

    Poem Comments


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    kdarcy commented on I'll Wait


    Soft, but sure in its message, well done with the descriptions, loved the lovers moon and waiting, be well, k

    Derico commented on I'll Wait


    A real poet's tune. Deep and insightful! Good writing.

    SpiritSong commented on I'll Wait


    Thank you libra..I love this poem..a fav for me. It shines forth as Loves enduring promise...and the heart that goe's on and on...love it...thank you for giving us such a gift..."SpiritSong"

    dewachen commented on I'll Wait


    Very colorful poem, brings out the emotions which speak volumes from your creative center.

    Vincent commented on I'll Wait


    (GP) very creative, smiles Vincent

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    When I Think Of You 0
    The Leaf 0
    Mirror ! Mirror! 3
    Dreams Of Love 2
    I'll Wait 5
    Summer Night Wind 1
    Always There 3
    Inside Her Wall's 9
    In My Prayer's 7
    One's Thought 6
    Life's Lesson's 8
    Visions of Stars 3
    Once Again 6
    Growing Old 3
    On Paper These Words 5
    A Summer Dream 2
    My Spirit From Within 1
    What would I do ? 1
    Just If 4
    Whispers The wind 3
    New Begining 1
    Not Knowing 3
    Song Bird 4
    Angel Of White 1
    Cold Winter's morn 1
    Finding My place 2
    Heart and Soul 6