Visions of Stars


  • Nature

    Visions of Stars

    Hidden above a blanket of clouds,
    Lies a dark tapestry of diamonds.
    Heaven shields the endless glow of specks,
    From mankinds sliver of sight.
    These ancient lights blink behind this curtain,
    Blessing visions spun by a dreamer's song.
    Wisps of light escape into this sleeping world,
    Their celestial breath comforting hearts.
    These hidden stars soften heavens rug,
    Straining to see the innocence of us sleeping.
    Their cosmic fingers brush through moving clouds,
    Silently stroking the imagination of the human race.
    As the ebony night slowly ebbs into dawn,
    Dimming stars bow to the sun's crown of might.
    Once again these glowing stars are hidden,
    Waiting for the awakening of night.

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    Bwyn commented on Visions of Stars


    Love all of the metaphors.

    THEWIND2 commented on Visions of Stars


    this is a powerful peom your thoughts are also intersting

    Vincent commented on Visions of Stars


    Twinkle, twinkle, your the star who shines so bright, a star that shines day or night. (GP) smiles Vincent

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    libra46’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    When I Think Of You 0
    The Leaf 0
    Mirror ! Mirror! 3
    Dreams Of Love 2
    I'll Wait 5
    Summer Night Wind 1
    Always There 3
    Inside Her Wall's 9
    In My Prayer's 7
    One's Thought 6
    Life's Lesson's 8
    Visions of Stars 3
    Once Again 6
    Growing Old 3
    On Paper These Words 5
    A Summer Dream 2
    My Spirit From Within 1
    What would I do ? 1
    Just If 4
    Whispers The wind 3
    New Begining 1
    Not Knowing 3
    Song Bird 4
    Angel Of White 1
    Cold Winter's morn 1
    Finding My place 2
    Heart and Soul 6