Life's Lesson's


  • Emotional

    Life's Lesson's

    I've feared of being alone,
    Until I learned to like myself.
    I've feared being in pain,
    Until I learned it's necessary for growth.
    I've feared of being rejected,
    Until I learned to have faith in myself.
    I've feared failure,
    Until I learned that I would only fail if I didn't try.
    I've feared death until I realized ,
    It's not the end,but the beginning.
    I've feared love until,
    It touched my heart.
    I've feared ridicule until,
    I learned to laugh at myself.
    I feared the past until,
    I realized it could no longer hurt me.
    I feared change until,
    I saw a catapiller change into a butterfly.

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    zan commented on Life's Lesson's


    remarkable.........change is the vital part of be alive is to be able to know that change is a dominant force!!! Deep poem!!!

    JaLaw commented on Life's Lesson's


    Not only does this expression delineates wisdom, but also the beauty of life and a remarkable poet.

    lonewolf commented on Life's Lesson's


    great words of wisdom. truly a masterpiece

    bforibus commented on Life's Lesson's


    and those are very deep lessons along with this poem but i also believe the greatest lesson we shud learn is to forgive ourselves for feeling and being that way in our past

    BCP commented on Life's Lesson's


    lovely poem and so true. great, keep writing girl.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    libra46’s Poems (27)

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