Where Are You


Where Are You

In the cool of the day in the evening
I come to walk in the garden with my son
To share my heart share my feelings
And be with a companion when the day is done
Adam where are you it's only Me
Adam where are you why do you hide from Me

In the cool of the day in the evening
It's such a special time for me
I bring my love for my son Adam
But wait who's not here who don't I see
Adam where are you it's only Me
Adam where are you why do you hide from Me

In the cool of the day in the evening
You say you're naked who told you so
You heard me walking now you're frightened
Have you eaten from the tree what have you done
Adam where are you it's only Me
Adam where are you why do you hide from Me

In the cool of the day in the evening
My son almost broke my heart
Though I knew it would happen
It hurts to have us drawn apart
Adam where are you it's only me
Adam where are you why do you hide from Me

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

miller’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Take Your Place In The World 0
Wilford 1
Duck 1
Blood On The Sun 2
Rum and Coke 0
I Often Wonder 1
Where Are You 0
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Where 2
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3 1
Esssence 4