

  • Fantasy


    Sail away in the afternoon
    What a way to spend a day
    Grays and whites in a chip blue sky
    Just picture a Monet
    Quick breath of air
    Breeze toward the west
    This time we have
    Let's live it at our best

    Greens and golds on the water
    Reflecting scenes from shore
    The sun sends shadows down
    Lays them all on Gods' own floor
    Off in the distance
    Clouds against the sky
    Look for horizons
    We can sail by

    Sailing's expressing
    Peace that's within
    It's Gods' work and handiness
    In the precious time He gives
    To live each experience
    As we journey thru life
    Mark time together

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    miller’s Poems (18)

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