

  • Humor


    Ducks waddle and quack and quack and waddle
    And leave traces of their passing out on the lawn
    But one thing I've noticed through follderall and fuddle
    Ducks have their own particular charm

    Big ducks lead while little ducks follow
    Each with their own peculiar gait
    And when they're crossing the street through gutters and puddles
    Neighborhood traffic sits and waits

    It's always amazing and maybe some crazy
    Part of Gods' entertainment
    But with the right sauce in the right glazing
    Duck makes a grand epicurian statement

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    NevillePark commented on Duck


    Thanks for visiting my profile page Mr. Miller. I have an instrumental duck song which I threw together in midi form on my keyboard and called Ducks In a Row. I've never played anything professional However I was on stage once or twice. Wonder what guitars you have. I've got a 71 Telly and a Yamaha acoustic. 'Play my bass the odd time at church. To get back to your poem ... I looks like it could work out well as a ramble-rag novelty tune.



    If you can put it to music . . . please feel free. Would love to have something done with it. Thanks Larry

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    miller’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Take Your Place In The World 0
    Wilford 1
    Duck 1
    Blood On The Sun 2
    Rum and Coke 0
    I Often Wonder 1
    Where Are You 0
    Testify 0
    Where 2
    I Don't Hear The Music 2
    Lost or Found 0
    Ungraceful 0
    Reflections 1
    All Alone 1
    The Light 0
    Yard Gaurd 1
    3 1
    Esssence 4