Vale of Flowers


Vale of Flowers

mountain vales by the ocean blue,
are filled with flowers of every hugh,
the white ones are truly a beautiful flower,
like a light winter shower,
the blue ones talk to you in a calming way,
that make you want to go outside and play,
those reds can dance with any tune,
and will pull you out to dance with them,
under the full grown moon,
the purples show affection and love,
like they are angles from the heavens above,
yellow doesn’t close itself away,
they stay out even if it is not a sunny day,
soon the day passes by,
and i say to myself with a great sigh,
"this is a place I could live my life and in the end,
peacefully die",
but just for now,
i am content to just stay where I lie.

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Ninjaboy’s Poems (61)

Title Comments
Title Comments
a simple apology 0
Life goes on 1
What happens to them? 0
for you 1
never forgotten 0
you 2
we should be 1
the future 2
I miss when 1
Island breeze 0
broke 0
the sad reality 1
Eh big guy? 3
My Law 2
Silent Destruction 1
The Darkest Truth 0
my own hell 0
10 months and counting 0
Never the Answer 0
hiding 1
Your Sword,Shield, and Armor 0
I know 0
This is the Night 2
the poem of many things in one 1
Together 0
life 0
free 0
War 0
Young solider 2
Broken 0
Grow Up! 1
No Lifeing 0
Conflict 0
Flaws 1
I Try 0
The Soul is Eternal 0
Reality Blows 0
My Never Ending Fight 0
Vale of Flowers 0
Words that describe you 0
Goodbye 0
Your Love 0
A pleasant Dream 0
Evil 0
fight for love 1
missing you 1
Truths Unspoken 1
the poem with no name 2
the light 1
Cuddle Munky 1
Worries 1
Love stew 4
Another chapter 1
Grandfather 2
Kaylee 0
Impossible Dreams 3
The Daffodil 3
Why 3
Questions Unanswered 2
Fairy Tale Hero 1
The Funeral 2