


These feelings i have for you,
i have never felt before,
these feelings i have for you,
they have hit me to the core,
and while we both hope and pray,
i feel i can honestly say,
that here in my arms,
is the place that you will stay.

As i ponder late at night,
looking where you lay,
i think to myself,
how i cant wait for the day,
to put that ring on your finger,
as im on one knee,
and watch as your eyes,
just shine with utter glee.

Finally there we are,
standing at the alter,
for everyone to see,
and watch you blush as you realise,
that everyone is staring at you,
not me,
you will be my beautiful bride,
the one that everyone came to see,
you are my one and only,
the one that is meant for me.

we will live together,
here on earth,
along with on high,
all that we need do,
is but continue to try.

We will grow old together,
and sing our songs forever,
as we watch our children grow,
and see how wonderful they become,
we will raise them right,
and for what they beleive in,
we will teach them to fight,
and then together,
we may hold each others hand,
one last time,
as we pass into the light.

you and me baby...

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Ninjaboy’s Poems (61)

Title Comments
Title Comments
a simple apology 0
Life goes on 1
What happens to them? 0
for you 1
never forgotten 0
you 2
we should be 1
the future 2
I miss when 1
Island breeze 0
broke 0
the sad reality 1
Eh big guy? 3
My Law 2
Silent Destruction 1
The Darkest Truth 0
my own hell 0
10 months and counting 0
Never the Answer 0
hiding 1
Your Sword,Shield, and Armor 0
I know 0
This is the Night 2
the poem of many things in one 1
Together 0
life 0
free 0
War 0
Young solider 2
Broken 0
Grow Up! 1
No Lifeing 0
Conflict 0
Flaws 1
I Try 0
The Soul is Eternal 0
Reality Blows 0
My Never Ending Fight 0
Vale of Flowers 0
Words that describe you 0
Goodbye 0
Your Love 0
A pleasant Dream 0
Evil 0
fight for love 1
missing you 1
Truths Unspoken 1
the poem with no name 2
the light 1
Cuddle Munky 1
Worries 1
Love stew 4
Another chapter 1
Grandfather 2
Kaylee 0
Impossible Dreams 3
The Daffodil 3
Why 3
Questions Unanswered 2
Fairy Tale Hero 1
The Funeral 2