

  • Ambrosia
  • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...


Staring at a nightmare
That used to be a dream
Your visage reinforces all the things
I said I'd never be
Your facade is visible
But you would never see
How you've severed all the happiness in me
I've sat here and watched you
Fade deeper into the abyss
Never stopping for a moment to think
That your smile is one I'd miss
A kiss from the past
Brings solitude in present
Your goals and ambitions
I've dismissed with the torment
Never asked
Not once
If you'll awake from your silent sleep
Perhaps a mistake on my part
As I watch the violence
And see you weep
The pain has snuffed any trace of a flame
Your features rough and callous again
It permeates your flesh and rains on your mind
Consumes your soul with the passage of time
Not mine, this burden is yours alone to bear
From the bones to the heart
To your empty stare
And I remember in my secret place
The once joyous memories marked on your face
Faded away without any trace
As I light a flame
The revelation comes nearer
The frustration and heartache
Only seem clearer
And slowly the light
Extends to the frame
And I realize I see myself
Looking back in the mirror.

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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Frosted Starling's Wings 1
One little problem 0
Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
Final Act 2
Shattered Silence 2
The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
If I Told You The Truth 2
If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
Attention Men 3
David 2
And I Doubt 2
Did You Know? 1
Untitled 0
Eraser 1
Eyes of Death 1
Flash Of White 0
Like Alice 0
The Dungeon of Contempt 2
Stand or Evade 1