Frosted Starling's Wings


  • Ambrosia
  • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

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Going to be reciting this at the next open mic I attend, please let me know what you think!

Frosted Starling's Wings

The earth recognizes
That it's that time of year
The proverbial season
Chisels the ice from my core
to chill the breeze
In the preparation of the nostalgia
Of three winters past
Frosting the starling's wings
That once flew my soul
Through the dancing flares
Of the solar poles
Competing with Hathor
Veneration in a world
Lost in Oblivion.
The autumn winds
Embrace and beat the chimes in time
While passing through my window
A portal to the inevitable relapse
That is my disillusion.
In an instant
Confetti of the lambent rum shop of the moon
Illuminates the Buddha laughing on my mantle
Dismantled thoughts
Of the moments that bring
A lowly beggar on quest for a king
And here, I
Encased in the self explanatory hardship
That I called life
Awaited one as strong and
knightly brave
I was reared as Disney's slave
As self sacrificing as the beauty
Who fell for the beast
Grabbing at apples
Falling not far from their trees
I learned to see
Here, he
Had never even lied to me.
I walked the path of Eris
Swimming in rivers of Chrysanthemums
And oceans infused with a mothers hum
Father had labored long
To reap the eucalyptus for a salve
So I could better sleep.
Under his liquored breath
He tries to stress
The infinite of the unknown
Mysterious at my young age
Sedating my mind with thoughts of justice
And right triumphing over wrong,
A song,
And yet still I want to wake.
The days are tumbling into each other
Lies transforming into truths
Truths being revealed as lies
With every dawn
I find myself becoming more partial
To the night sky.
I miss the twilight.
What month is it?
Last I remember it was March
Have I slept so long?
I yearn for a song
But it's evening
And all the musicians are sleeping
While I daydream in riddles and in rhymes
As I
Catch the tail ends of comets fleeing nebuli
Streaking by on their way back to the divine.
As solar winds whip all around me
And I am consumed for a moment
By the immortality that is called Hope
The sun spots, it seems, have woke
And wage war on our tidal pools
That I ride on a crimson surf board
As I see with eyes wide
All fools,
I am one of them, just like you.
The sun turns from me
And again I am cast in darkness
But my eyes have already seen
And the truth cannot
Be stolen from me
Although I have seen
And I am sure that I know
I cannot grow until I kill this thing
That festeres inside my soul
And binds me to the suffering
Just as a tattered piece of sticky paper
Is certain death for a housefly
Looking for a piece of shit to squat on
Interstellar truth has spoken
Morphed into the white light
Of the knowledge of the ancients
So the filiments of every cell in my being
Can absorb it
And as they imbibe it
They reassure me of my place in the universe
And in a symphony of silence
My spirit is encouraged to heal
My frosted starling's wings,
Now singed,
Are of no more use to me.
My entire essence sings.
Yet I am grounded in the omniscience
That is eternity
Not by a theology that has forsaken me
But by this time that I might live through and for
Vicariously dreaming of a place to soar
In the moment that I can confess
My life is a mess but
Three winters have passed
And I forgive you.

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Chaos128 commented on Frosted Starling's Wings


An enlightened awakening can be as traumatic as it is transcendent. Grace and artistry, however, go a long way toward softening the impact. Really sharp work : ) P.S. I especially appreciate the care you put into it.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Frosted Starling's Wings 1
One little problem 0
Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
Final Act 2
Shattered Silence 2
The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
If I Told You The Truth 2
If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
Attention Men 3
David 2
And I Doubt 2
Did You Know? 1
Untitled 0
Eraser 1
Eyes of Death 1
Flash Of White 0
Like Alice 0
The Dungeon of Contempt 2
Stand or Evade 1