Shattered Silence


  • Pain
    • Ambrosia
    • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

    Poem Commentary

    I wrote this a long time ago, removed some parts that were too personal, but in general I like this one.

    Shattered Silence

    My silence I will shatter
    This I do avow
    You did not hear my silent screams
    But you will hear me now
    And how will I get this epiphany across
    When I am still lost for words
    I've decided I will not shelter you
    From the pain that I've endured
    I will be heard
    If I need to shout it in a canyon
    Or whisper it in the dark
    You will feel the flames I've felt
    And you will see the spark
    I will not shut up
    I will not bottle it all up inside
    For one more night
    I will not to your rules abide
    Let's take a ride
    Through my mental suicide
    With no one to confide in
    Waves of despair I was ridin'
    And hidin'
    In the shame amidst the rain
    But I will not allow it to swallow me again
    I will scream it out despite depression
    I will avoid at all costs regression
    I will be heard.
    Like the birds that dive between the trees
    I will overcome I will be free
    But in the meantime you will acknowledge me
    In this moment
    In this sublimity called my life
    I will subject you to
    What you'll know to be my strife
    I will be heard
    And you can shield your ears
    But I will write encyclopedias
    On how all this has separated us
    And I will screech like a banshee
    How your words are not enough
    Not sufficient in excess
    "Get over it, give it a rest"
    With little comfort held to my breast
    In breath I whispered
    Things you'd never hear
    And masked with a dismal face
    Every desert tear
    Two years of silence
    Two years of shame
    Two years of being told that I'm to blame
    For all the darkness
    That is everywhere
    In the depths of my darkness
    And the forests of despair
    But I am a survivor
    Despite the pain I've swallowed
    And you are still oblivious
    To the space that you've hollowed
    When you should have listened
    You were far away
    And I was forced into solitude
    Again day after day
    "Annie are you ok"
    For once I will speak the facts
    I'm not alright, I'm not just fine
    And it will never go away
    Not even in time
    In rhyme I preach
    Hoping that in time you'll reach
    Out to me and just hear
    The things I've learned to fear
    And maybe I'm just tired
    Of pretending to be something you all desire
    Staying in places I don't belong
    Singing songs in an effort to be strong
    While I try hard to extinguish
    The person he shaped
    It would be nice if you'd acknowledge
    It will never be ok.
    I will be heard
    Even when I'm lost for words.

    Poem Comments


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    Rainz commented on Shattered Silence


    I've been there before with someone who used to be very close to me. I knew the pain... scream it from the rooftops hun. Do whatever makes you feel good. at all costs. Great write.

    Anubis commented on Shattered Silence


    Beautifully written... a vivid picture painted with words..... cheers for the insight

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Frosted Starling's Wings 1
    One little problem 0
    Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
    Final Act 2
    Shattered Silence 2
    The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
    If I Told You The Truth 2
    If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
    Attention Men 3
    David 2
    And I Doubt 2
    Did You Know? 1
    Untitled 0
    Eraser 1
    Eyes of Death 1
    Flash Of White 0
    Like Alice 0
    The Dungeon of Contempt 2
    Stand or Evade 1