One little problem


  • Ambrosia
  • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

One little problem

One disease plagues humanity

The biggest evil of Pandora's box of mystery

Not the economy, environment or society

Only your fucking mind

Traveling light years beyond infinity

Righteous in its own intellectual Babylon

All your swords and armor of emotional hypnosis

Twist and bend to the illusion

That this intrusion of egocentric psychosis

Is somehow who you really are

The stars

In the autumn sky are disguised

A canopy of galaxies and nebuli

Meditating on the symphony that is the original hymn of the Ohm

In the infinite nothingness that is the all

They would need to magnify our existence

Four hundred billion times

For us to be even a blip on their radar

They don't need to label and adorn themselves

To shine gloriously

Yet you label, ostracize and associate yourself

With yourself

Going back and forth with this orgasmic relationship

That you worship as reality

When in reality it's false duality

The ego preaching to itself

A constant soliloquy to the silent non-believer

Somehow allowing your mind to convince you

That you are greater, sometimes lowlier

Than the space floating between the atoms

That define the boundaries of your existence

The space that makes up ninety percent

Of your physical form

Don't the stars also drift along in infinite space?

And yet your mind is here, confined to the problems

Of the self-constructed misery of this place

And you try to swallow the hardships when they arise

Don't you get it?

Your fucking mind!

Do you really believe that you are somehow unique?

Better or worse than those you pass

On your way to Sobeys to buy a loaf of bread?

You claim we're all equal


See how your ego feeds and preys?

See the hunger of the corner hobo

Do you not sneer and label him as earth's own disease?

A residual flame is burning away

At the only remaining traces of our humanity

That remain in this insanity

The constant need for praise and blame

Yes, your fucking mind loves them both

Willingly paying your way to misery

Guilt trips with no money down

Gluttony of the go

Wanting pain if pleasure isn't there

Filling the silence with chaotic static noise

Feeding yourself despair

Oh no! Don't let it die!

Ha! Your fucking mind!

And you think you understand the point

"Stop thinking"

Keep telling yourself that

So your ego can label you an incompetent fool

And if it doesn't, mine just did


Your fucking mind!

The spaces floating between the atoms

Between the electrical connections

When your mind wrestles with my tone

And judges my inflections

This space, you fill it with things

Thoughts of "later"

Answer the phone when it rings

Text your mother instead of dining at her table

And when there are no pre-determined events

Planned for your thirty-six hour day

You float away, turn on the idiot box

And allow your ego to play fantasy

With the people on television

And all their fucking problems

But thank god it's not you

But it could be, except your pathetic ass

Is eating a bag of lays, greasy fingers on the remote

Secretly wishing it was you

Just so you wouldn't be you

Trapped in the inevitable boredom

That is your life.

Your fucking mind!


This is the birthplace

Of the trillions of atoms in the universe

Without studying their androgynous

cosmological genesis

They waltz to a still symphony

And we cannot begin to fathom

How we can emulate their radiant brilliance

But this is your intrinsic nature

Not your thoughts, not your body

Not your friends

Not your problems that never seem to end

And certainly not

Your fucking mind.

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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Frosted Starling's Wings 1
One little problem 0
Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
Final Act 2
Shattered Silence 2
The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
If I Told You The Truth 2
If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
Attention Men 3
David 2
And I Doubt 2
Did You Know? 1
Untitled 0
Eraser 1
Eyes of Death 1
Flash Of White 0
Like Alice 0
The Dungeon of Contempt 2
Stand or Evade 1