Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass)


  • Ambrosia
  • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass)

There were a few moments
Where I took advantage
Of your warm breath on my shoulder.
And now that space
Feels lonely and neglected,
As if I’m standing nude
While cold winter whips around me.
I miss the soft hum of your voice,
Reassuring and calm,
Over the sound of the tempest
Beating the city streets
In the pitch of night.
Maybe if I had listened,
Took your hand when it reached for mine,
Maybe I wouldn’t be grasping at air,
Grabbing at certain memories
That are the only traces
Of a love I was so certain was invincible
You never carved our names into the bark of a willow
You engraved them on my heart
Forever casting the shadow of your initials
Upon my soul.
Where was I when you were walking away?
Had I stepped aside when I should have asked you to stay?
Pride is such a dangerous thing,
Saving face or saving sanity,
I’m going crazy without you
And now I close my eyes and wonder
How much longer will I ache for your love.
I ran to you and embraced you
But found myself awake at dawn
Rubbing at the circles under my eyes
Yearning for your forgiveness.
Is it even enough for me to apologize?
The sensation of trailing a finger
Over the soft flesh of your forearm
Something so simple and yet
So wondrously marvelous,
Now only a vivid memory.
Your name on my lips
Leaves me reminiscing -
You holding me in your arms
Tightly enveloping me in a sea
Of your strength and passion,
Almost divine how your creative spark
Surged through my once frigid chest cavity
Exploding and awakening the light of my own truth
and I found myself falling into a wormhole
Built of the stars
That are reflected in the depths of your sincerity
And I’m blissfully letting myself fall forever and then -
Then I find myself here,
Without you beside me
While the storm beats loudly
Deafening my ears with lonely regrets
Words left unspoken
Kindnesses left undone,
Heartfelt apologies,
And the knowledge
That somewhere in that hurricane,
You too are looking out your window
But is it still me you are longing for?
Tell me she is not the one,
Tell me,
And the storm shall pass
Revealing the magnificent sunrise
That is the light of my inner truth,
The essence of my undying love,
Only for you,
Always for you.

meh...fuck it.

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angelchaser commented on Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass)


Stunning. A vivid piece that I have no problem admitting is far beyond the realm of my talent as a poet. Very well done, this is just breathtaking. It moves so quickly as you read, just as if you were saying all these things to him in the flesh. This poem really moved me.....and that's something I rarely say. This poem goes to 11.



Thank you so much! Will write again soon I hope.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Frosted Starling's Wings 1
One little problem 0
Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
Final Act 2
Shattered Silence 2
The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
If I Told You The Truth 2
If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
Attention Men 3
David 2
And I Doubt 2
Did You Know? 1
Untitled 0
Eraser 1
Eyes of Death 1
Flash Of White 0
Like Alice 0
The Dungeon of Contempt 2
Stand or Evade 1