Attention Men


  • Sex
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  • Insight
    • Ambrosia
    • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

    Attention Men

    Attention men
    Pussy ain't a synonym for paintball
    It's not a form of cat and mouse
    With overweight men
    Chasing and shooting
    It doesn't care if you chase
    It doesn't mind if you stop to breathe
    It doesn't mind if you really don't got a strategy
    But it's not about a full day
    Of boredom
    Like shooting a gun with fuchsia colors
    At the end of the day your legs are sore
    And you got no game.

    Attention men
    Pussy ain't a synonym for a musical
    It's not a form of confusing dialogue
    With drama students
    who work at Starbucks during the day
    It doesn't care about front row seats
    It doesn't mind if you forget your lines
    But it's not about three hours
    Of boredom
    Like watching Cats
    At the end I'm still left wondering
    What the fuck was that?

    Attention men
    Pussy ain't a synonym for a drive in
    It's not a form of mindless entertainment
    With a shitty fucking plot line
    Overpaid actors
    And six dollar Pepsis
    It doesn't care about credits
    It doesn't mind the lighting
    But it's not about ninety minutes
    Of boredom
    Like watching Phone Booth
    Although Collin Farrel is sexy
    I just can't get off.

    Poem Comments


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    Ambrosia commented on Attention Men


    Thanks for comments guys, I appreciate it. This is very different than my normal writing style, but I was challenged to step outside the box.

    Ming commented on Attention Men


    Great stuff, I like this bold in your face style, I like you, your bold, sexy and loud. I love women with character and guts. Call it as you see it . . . Keep up the good work Much Love, Much Peace Ming

    dakcalhoun commented on Attention Men



    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Frosted Starling's Wings 1
    One little problem 0
    Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
    Final Act 2
    Shattered Silence 2
    The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
    If I Told You The Truth 2
    If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
    Attention Men 3
    David 2
    And I Doubt 2
    Did You Know? 1
    Untitled 0
    Eraser 1
    Eyes of Death 1
    Flash Of White 0
    Like Alice 0
    The Dungeon of Contempt 2
    Stand or Evade 1