The Dungeon of Contempt


  • Ambrosia
  • will be reading poems when possible, be patient please...

The Dungeon of Contempt

Upon the greatest of achievements
Upon the warmest of hearts
Upon the guilty, and the innocent
There is but a melancholic cry
A mourning of the lost now found
And the found now lost.
And here, in Guilt’s bosom lies
Its accomplice, its ravaging brother
Birthed from Sin, named by Sorrow
The Shame of the soul of man.
For even in Death
When the flesh rots
And the stench of Deceit remains
There is the manifestation of Guilt
Still breathing on the bones.
We hang the bones in the closet
And surrender to the secrecy of the world
Attempting to snuff the life out of Shame
And lock away our Guilt
In the dungeon of our contempt.
But it is only upon the release of Guilt
From its dismal prison
With key in palm
That it dances to the drums of Acceptance
Into a night void of starlit skies
And the closet can be liberated
From the ever mutating accomplice,
The plague of the soul of man,
The Shame for our transgressions.

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nadronnoco commented on The Dungeon of Contempt


freakin awesome is all ican say seriously it reminds me of something i once wrote Most excelelnt workl

SILKYTWEED commented on The Dungeon of Contempt


Wow....this is a Magnificent Write....of which I can relate, having held hate and felt as though I was hated, but it was from me the winds of change must blow and overcome shame....Thanks for sharing!



Thank you for reading :)

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Ambrosia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Frosted Starling's Wings 1
One little problem 0
Tell Me (And The Storm Shall Pass) 1
Final Act 2
Shattered Silence 2
The Strength of A Thousand Men 1
If I Told You The Truth 2
If I Saw You Tomorrow 2
Attention Men 3
David 2
And I Doubt 2
Did You Know? 1
Untitled 0
Eraser 1
Eyes of Death 1
Flash Of White 0
Like Alice 0
The Dungeon of Contempt 2
Stand or Evade 1