The Night I Shot Cupid


  • Paint
  • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

The Night I Shot Cupid

I laid waiting in the darkness
and targeted my prey
with a swift move of my bow
It shot straight as a sunray.
I pierced Cupid's wing
His cry a beautiful sound
He struggled in the air
as he fell to the ground
Under a lover's night
stars did light the sky
I bent over Cupid
and I asked him "Why?"
With each heave of my chest
my heart and soul grew bolder
I pointed at his heart
with another swift move of my shoulder.
I just heard him sigh
He looked tired and worn
but I just stood there pointing
To me Love was just a thorn.

He said I know your thorns
Thy valley of discontent
Wait patient, Tis not your time
For your Love has not been sent.

But once again I shot
It went straight through his heart
He did not deserve my mercy
for he always left me thirsty.
At once the night grew silent
The night no longer loving
storms gathered in
as Cupid lay there dying.
In an instant I knew pain
for there was no love left to gain
So I set out for a cure
but Hope was nowhere near.
So I walked in Cupid's footsteps
I retraced his every move
I saw valleys of despair
grew green for Love did soothe.
I wept at what I did
for Love escaped my heart
I didn't know how to feel
for Cupid's pain was art.
At last I did find Hope
tending to lost sheep
She was so beautifully crowned
and in her arms I did weep.

She said do not fright my dear
for Love does not die
you do not have to fear
As long as I am alive.

So comforting were her words
as I wandered to the spot
I looked for Cupid's body
with the arrows I had shot.
But he just sat there waiting
proud of his latest deed
A lover torn by heartache
Found Hope at last indeed.

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Bettysrainbow48 commented on The Night I Shot Cupid


The other comment I have is that it I couldn't kill anything. Poor cupid .I know it is just a poem yet a good one. It is sad. Sometimes the waiting makes it all worth while. True love would have come with patience..

Bettysrainbow48 commented on The Night I Shot Cupid


What an owsome poem .This must have took a lot thought. It leaves the mind wondering. Very good job, good work.

BigDaddyCash commented on The Night I Shot Cupid


Well Mr. Paint, obviously you are a writer and a damn good one. Your poems of love are real masterpieces. Here I go again; I love to write more than anything else I do. I read everything that's available and write about everything and anything. I love writing children’s stories as well as adult fantasies. Give me a topic, any topic, and I'll write about it. I write in a language that's not to prestigious and I write for the reader of average intelligence. I have one published book called Total Recovery that I wrote as a bible for the substance abuser and I’m working on a novel called Letters to Elena. I’ve written songs (both lyrics and music) and I’ve written 1001 poems, all styles. I just entered a poem in the weekly original poetry contest read it and rate it if you get a chance. The poem is called “Lady Luck and Deprivation” actually it’s two poems in one submission. If you read it be sure and watch the video that goes with it, the links in my commentary. LOL, BDC

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Paint’s Poems (43)

Title Comments
Title Comments
11:59 2
I'd Stop All of Time 3
The Night I Shot Cupid 3
My Windows 4
Tablet of Truth 1
Dear Mom and Dad I Promise 3
A Soul of One in Two Bodies 2
The Last Words 2
Fragile Heart 0
A Love to Last 4
Through Your Eyes 3
The Bleeding Rose 4
Requiem 3
Unsettled and Uneasy 2
Bloody Wings 0
The Same Amongst Strangers 4
Taken 1
Whiskey 1
I'm Tryin, Babe 1
It's Ok 1
Glass Raindrops 0
My Immortal Consequence 0
Willow Tree 0
The Canvas 1
Ponderance: Reactions 2
Encounter of an Armored Heart 2
Let Me 5
Tortilla Soup for the Mexican's Soul 3
Tell Me 1
The Soul's Connection 2
Reflection 1
It's Midnight 2
Lullaby Rain 2
A Heart in Tune 0
She Painted It Pink 2
If Happiness Were 1
Decision 1
As Long as You Know 0
Don't Follow 0
Those Eyes 2
Space and Time 4
Lonely Little Angel 3
Heartbeat 5