Fragile Heart


  • Sadness
  • ,
  • Death
    • Paint
    • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

    Poem Commentary

    Dedicated to Theo and all victims of gun violence and their families.

    Fragile Heart

    How mortal is a heart?
    with no means to jump start
    find out how fragile the beat
    as the cold overcomes the heat

    Touched by cold angry metal
    it contrasted with unsuspecting loving warmth
    shredding the life within...
    and the lives all around

    Cold hours overcome summer's breath
    as the waiting continues...
    no news yet.

    Then as sudden as a wind
    the presence was gone
    vanished, taken
    everything all wrong.

    How easy it was
    for a heart to bleed away
    How strong the body was
    but it's protection gave way

    That's all it took
    that's all it takes
    A precious heart
    just one click

    Tears now flow in place of blood
    but they can't replace
    as we stand there in the mud

    A great big heart
    now rests in its grave
    because I wasn't there
    your heart I could not save.

    Now my heart is broken
    you broke it through and through
    that night you left me hoping
    I'd once again see you

    How do you expect
    for mine to endure this pain?
    while you just let yours die in vain

    it's shattered into a million
    but it barely beats for one
    how could this have happened?
    I just can't believe you're gone.

    I would have gladly taken your place
    If it meant I could erase
    the painful loneliness inside
    because you're no longer...
    by my side.

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Paint’s Poems (43)

    Title Comments
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