Don't Follow


  • Other
    • Paint
    • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

    Don't Follow

    Pretty words won't make it better
    a forceful grip but it's getting wetter
    I'm not going anywhere
    I'm trying to say
    I'm not sinking down
    I'm not going to drown
    I've walked through these streets before
    I've walked in that alley alone
    In a sprint through the dark I tore
    Blinded by tears I kept on goin'
    I'm sorry to say that this avenue is mine
    I know it hurts you to see that to me it's like home
    I know what to do when the tornado comes
    It's mine but I'll protect you from all the debris I've thrown
    It's dark and it's lonely I don't want you here
    I'll walk into sunlight, when the clouds have cleared
    I know you 've realized what everything's made of here
    My stains of blood and my freshly drained tears
    I wouldn't fall to let you just watch
    I wouldn't call to pretend you can help
    I wouldn't be gone for more than a day or two
    Don't worry I'll catch up with you
    You're right I just don't care...
    but I'm warning you not to dare
    please don't follow, I cannot lead
    I don't want to be responsible for what you bleed
    This is the very end note
    I'm already poisoned
    but built up a tolerance
    You don't need to think up an antidote 
    I've already been insane
    My mind I cannot tame
    My reasons for anger I do not know
    but I pull the trigger
    at everyone I know
    I'm sorry for concerning you
    I'm sorry for bearing my black
    I'm not used to bending my knees
    much less my well built back
    I'm worn through right to the core
    but I know I have a door
    I'm just not ready to come out
    my heart is just too sore.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Paint’s Poems (43)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    11:59 2
    I'd Stop All of Time 3
    The Night I Shot Cupid 3
    My Windows 4
    Tablet of Truth 1
    Dear Mom and Dad I Promise 3
    A Soul of One in Two Bodies 2
    The Last Words 2
    Fragile Heart 0
    A Love to Last 4
    Through Your Eyes 3
    The Bleeding Rose 4
    Requiem 3
    Unsettled and Uneasy 2
    Bloody Wings 0
    The Same Amongst Strangers 4
    Taken 1
    Whiskey 1
    I'm Tryin, Babe 1
    It's Ok 1
    Glass Raindrops 0
    My Immortal Consequence 0
    Willow Tree 0
    The Canvas 1
    Ponderance: Reactions 2
    Encounter of an Armored Heart 2
    Let Me 5
    Tortilla Soup for the Mexican's Soul 3
    Tell Me 1
    The Soul's Connection 2
    Reflection 1
    It's Midnight 2
    Lullaby Rain 2
    A Heart in Tune 0
    She Painted It Pink 2
    If Happiness Were 1
    Decision 1
    As Long as You Know 0
    Don't Follow 0
    Those Eyes 2
    Space and Time 4
    Lonely Little Angel 3
    Heartbeat 5