The Last Words


  • Sadness
  • ,
  • Death
    • Paint
    • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

    Poem Commentary

    Dedicated To Tre and other crash victims and their families.

    The Last Words

    Just like in the movies
    I replay it in my head
    a foreshadowing slow motion
    The last words that you said.

    "I'll be right back
    I'm running to the store"
    you turned around
    and put the key in the door

    The last steps that you took
    right across the yard
    I follow them now
    my memory, scarred.

    The engine starts
    you pull out of the drive
    Never even knowing
    that you wouldn't survive

    I didn't even say goodbye
    now I miss you and I cry
    you left thinking you'll be right back
    setting your cd to your favorite track

    Kenney Chesney Me and You
    your radio I could hear it
    as you pullled out of view

    Never thought I'd say this
    when people ask me where you are
    I say he never saw it coming
    that speeding other car.

    If it was just you had to go
    I should have held your hand
    at least so I could've told you
    That I love you and
    "The next place will be better
    Your pain will be no more
    promise to keep watch over us"
    I'd say as your blood ran to the floor

    "while you're up there in the sky
    please ask Him for me "Why?"
    and send me down a message
    so I can sleep at night."

    It just wasn't fair
    for you to gasp for air
    crying to yourself
    prob'ly asking if He's there.

    Pleading not to take you
    feeling helpless and alone
    thinking to yourself
    this isn't how I'm supposed to go.

    You left a family grieving
    waiting for your return
    those last and haunting words
    "I'll be right back"
    forever in our memory burned.

    Poem Comments


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    sammia commented on The Last Words


    Paint this piece of poetry has touched my heart more than you know. I felt your pain as I read this and I am crying as I write this comment to you. Just to let you know I am here if you need to talk. You can email me or get me on the chats which ever you want. I am sorry you lost someone so close to you. As I did last year. Cancer took my grandfather from me. So I know how you feel. ((((huggs)))) when ever you need them. Thank you for sharing this with me.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Paint’s Poems (43)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    11:59 2
    I'd Stop All of Time 3
    The Night I Shot Cupid 3
    My Windows 4
    Tablet of Truth 1
    Dear Mom and Dad I Promise 3
    A Soul of One in Two Bodies 2
    The Last Words 2
    Fragile Heart 0
    A Love to Last 4
    Through Your Eyes 3
    The Bleeding Rose 4
    Requiem 3
    Unsettled and Uneasy 2
    Bloody Wings 0
    The Same Amongst Strangers 4
    Taken 1
    Whiskey 1
    I'm Tryin, Babe 1
    It's Ok 1
    Glass Raindrops 0
    My Immortal Consequence 0
    Willow Tree 0
    The Canvas 1
    Ponderance: Reactions 2
    Encounter of an Armored Heart 2
    Let Me 5
    Tortilla Soup for the Mexican's Soul 3
    Tell Me 1
    The Soul's Connection 2
    Reflection 1
    It's Midnight 2
    Lullaby Rain 2
    A Heart in Tune 0
    She Painted It Pink 2
    If Happiness Were 1
    Decision 1
    As Long as You Know 0
    Don't Follow 0
    Those Eyes 2
    Space and Time 4
    Lonely Little Angel 3
    Heartbeat 5