My Windows


  • Thoughts
    • Paint
    • is doin some Solitary Thinkin-- Lee Ann Womack

    My Windows

    I look out through my windows
    into other's all around
    I see some barely new
    I see some of them are bound.
    I see some have clouded
    by the demanding hands of time
    I see some that are older
    On theirs is hung a sign.

    I see some that look wiser
    I see some that are clear
    I see some that are colored
    as I approach and I come near

    I see some like a sunset
    reflecting summer's gaze
    I see some shattered like storms
    and massive tidal waves

    All around I see
    different hues
    different things
    I once saw a glasslike marble
    as what was inside I just marveled.

    What's inside all those windows
    it's easy for me to see
    although some of them are gaurded
    some just set out for free.

    I gaze in all the windows
    some blazing cerulean blue
    some dark and forbidden brown
    Some keep changing hue
    with the light and the mood.

    Inside some close their windows
    never to be seen
    Some just lay and wait,
    open for love's gentle breeze.

    Beautiful patterns
    and wonderful reflections
    Reveal a life's creation
    the soul's imagination

    What has been said about the eyes
    what they can say
    How they surprise.
    They say you can see what lies
    in the depth of someone's soul
    I just wonder, and I ponder
    How they are the window to the soul.
    If anyone sees this soul inside
    If they gaze into my eyes
    what was said about my dark shading
    If they would even take a risk in bathing
    in these pools, in my depths

    But for now I just wonder and
    I just look out through my windows
    Sometimes clear, sometimes wet
    Gaurded by dark shades of brown
    My soul these windows have kept.

    Poem Comments


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    Redhead505 commented on My Windows


    I'll be back to read more later; I've had a busy day. As with the other poems you've written, I truly enjoyed this read. Blessed Be and Be Happy always.

    Hampton commented on My Windows


    Very very nice poem that exhibits a talent behind it that could be great.

    JCKasper commented on My Windows


    This is excellent ------ A very creative vivid imagination. Such a nice flow and a joy to read!



    A 10+ from me!

    tierra7 commented on My Windows


    Amazin'...very impressive and invitin' read....such beauty lies within your words.... as well as ones soul ...Gr8 job! it was a delight to read...T-7



    a 10+ from me.........

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Paint’s Poems (43)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    11:59 2
    I'd Stop All of Time 3
    The Night I Shot Cupid 3
    My Windows 4
    Tablet of Truth 1
    Dear Mom and Dad I Promise 3
    A Soul of One in Two Bodies 2
    The Last Words 2
    Fragile Heart 0
    A Love to Last 4
    Through Your Eyes 3
    The Bleeding Rose 4
    Requiem 3
    Unsettled and Uneasy 2
    Bloody Wings 0
    The Same Amongst Strangers 4
    Taken 1
    Whiskey 1
    I'm Tryin, Babe 1
    It's Ok 1
    Glass Raindrops 0
    My Immortal Consequence 0
    Willow Tree 0
    The Canvas 1
    Ponderance: Reactions 2
    Encounter of an Armored Heart 2
    Let Me 5
    Tortilla Soup for the Mexican's Soul 3
    Tell Me 1
    The Soul's Connection 2
    Reflection 1
    It's Midnight 2
    Lullaby Rain 2
    A Heart in Tune 0
    She Painted It Pink 2
    If Happiness Were 1
    Decision 1
    As Long as You Know 0
    Don't Follow 0
    Those Eyes 2
    Space and Time 4
    Lonely Little Angel 3
    Heartbeat 5