The Answer


The Answer

‘Turn that up, I like it,’ she said at last.

I did so as if I would die for her.

Then those tears began to splash against her makeshift socks.

I didn’t know what to do so I cried too.


‘It’s funny,’ she said, ‘I thought this was in the past’.

I said, ‘doesn’t look as though you’re laughing’.

Silence fell, so did I as I laid lips against laboured locks.

I could make a bed of that hair but it’s not mine to.


Where do you go when you’re on the edge?

Do you turn back or do you jump?

We leapt but the fall was longer than we thought,

The hope we’d hit the ground running is what we hung on to


But now we both watch the tequila trail to a half-eaten lime wedge

And those sweet smiles turn to tears to provide the salt.

It’s hard to watch a love fall away when you’re still caught-

It’s hard when those tears are not falling for you.


I don’t have the answers and when I do, I forget the question

All I know is, for her, I don’t mind losing

Because if that means she wins, I never really lose at all

Suppose that’s the answer I’ve been looking for.

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LenaM commented on The Answer


The yearning, sadness jumped out at me in these two verses. (It’s hard to watch a love fall away when you’re still caught- It’s hard when those tears are not falling for you. ) It's so difficult to love someone , yet not be a part of their life in the way that you had hoped, harder still to offer yourself freely to this person as a shoulder to lean on as they weep for someone else,while harboring a secret hope that they would somehow love you in return

blvdobd2009 commented on The Answer


Wow, you have a very bold approach about your work that I find refreshing and liberating. I am in this situation as we speak, but unfortunately my salt turned tears are not reciprocated... I am so happy to have read you work, It is amazing to me how sometimes you can not even Immortalize you own work, that is when I am grateful to writers like you who can voice my heart for me... This feeling that you have so brilliantly and artistically conveyed is so relevant. Thank you

KKFay commented on The Answer


Your poem says the words I've been searching for to say to someone so close to my heart to finally say good-bye because at this point staying in any contact is only hurting us. Beautiful as it is saddening. You do amazing work.



You have understood the message here perfectly. Thank you so much for that, the fact you can relate really is so special to me :)

soulwriter commented on The Answer


Tequila salted tears to hide a seconds worth of pain while watching the sweet bitter love that is no more wash away... brilliantly sad and uniquely true to life. I give you a strong 10 for what this gives to the reader



Thank you so much SW, whilst alcohol can (ill-advisedly) be used to mask pain and sadness, this poem actually illustrates how the tequila loosened up emotions and true feelings, allowing them to spill out with tears and confirm a long-harboured fear that the girl I was with was not yet over her ex, but also filling me with the belief I could 'mend her' and teach her to love me in turn, granting me the "answer I was looking for".

JadedJezzabel commented on The Answer


It’s hard to watch a love fall away when you’re still caught- It’s hard when those tears are not falling for you. this poem hit me hard.....felt this deeply.....will carry this one around for a while........bravo ..peace love & poetry



Amazing. If just one person can connect with something I write, I can die a happy man. And I mean that. I write poetry not only as a form of expression, but because it is a sheer passion, a love. To know someone is able to take some form of relation to what I've been through from a poem is so very powerful. Thank you so much for your kind comments, they are appreciated more than you will ever know.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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