Lain Puisi Cinta


Lain Puisi Cinta

“I feel like I’ve lost my heart and my right arm,”

she moaned about losing you.

Well, that’s what happens

if you wear your heart on your sleeve.


“Come on,” I said,

“Put your coat on; let’s get out of here for a while.”

Dressing her was so, so...

I can’t think how to put it.


“He doesn’t care does he?

“How can he ever have cared?”

It’d be so tempting to agree,

to slip into the lead here, but I can’t.


“Where are we going?”

The break in her whimper was surprising.

“Wherever the car takes us.”

The healing properties of getting lost

made her smile.


“That’s it,” I encouraged,

“you sure you haven’t been touching up your make up?

“This breakdown looks a bit Hollywood to me.”


She told me off for complimenting her,

but I could tell it had warmed her

to hear a positive review.

So whilst she returned to reflecting on you, I


shuffled her through the winter afternoon

like an elderly mother,

and all I could think was

the lighthouse saves you from the dark,

but who saves the lighthouse?

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MindNumbing commented on Lain Puisi Cinta


Thought I'd drop in and see if I've missed anything from you, and I found a veritable gold mine! So sorry I missed these... clearly, I've been living under a rock ;) I love this write, Arron. The caring nature that's displayed throughout, only to be questioned a bit in the end (as I'm assuming YOU are the lighthouse), is perfect. Had to hit up the Google Translator to figure out the title... curiosity is a bitch, ya know. Another Love Poem... perfect :) Thanks for sharing.

wamomo commented on Lain Puisi Cinta


Doomed to be one of my favorite poets, that's what you are. You never fail to surprise with fresh spins on everyday life and this piece in no exception. Well done, Arron.

MrGee commented on Lain Puisi Cinta


EXCELLENT! and I agree with somethingclever "Fantastic prose and a terrific ending" BRAVO!! Interestingly, I recently posted a poem and a particular line speaks of a lighthouse ie. "The Sand, The Waves And Sea.

somethingclever commented on Lain Puisi Cinta


Fantastic prose, and an even greater ending. The last two lines ring astoundingly true. I think this is a situation that many of us have found ourselves in, and you have captured that feeling perfectly.

kdarcy commented on Lain Puisi Cinta


Great write, who wipes the clowns hidden tears while all those around him laugh uncontrollably by his actions? This piece speaks of good qualities, well done k



Exactly so K, thanks for reading :)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

arronpalmer’s Poems (36)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Dispute, Donnybrook, Dustup 2
Coasting 2
Funeral Party 2
Clemency Coveted, Glory Gained 0
(Skinny, Decaf) Tea With The Vicar 0
Sonnet No.1 1
Fill Him Noir 0
Lain Puisi Cinta 10
Run Aground 5
Perpendicular Parallels 6
SnowfLAkes 3
Usual Tuesday 2
A Life Less Illustrious 16
Brackets 20
New Light 16
A Simple Declaration 15
This Chair Can Be Throne Away 15
Haiku for the Crab 21
Cometment 6
The Fight Becomes a Thrill 9
Falling Once Again 7
Hand Paint in Black (for LNH) 2
The Answer 7
Lemonade 4
The Writer and The Artist 8
Greater Expectations 3
Winter Looks 4
Dust 2
King & Queen of Broken Hearts 5
Two Wars Rage 3
Heartaches Don't Come With Handbrakes (for LNH) 3
C.R.A.P. 2
Big Boy Lost 6
Soar Point Ponderings #39 2
Young Love's Lament 4
Coffee 7