Perpendicular Parallels


Perpendicular Parallels

Pirouetting from a static crowd,

she came into my life and left me.

She left me in a daze of desire

and panic you could hear aloud,

as she led me to a crooked spire.


There, we cemented what we’d fought

and in a moment of weakness, or strength, I cried.

I cried out that it was unfair to be so irreplaceable,

and she, with the depth I’d always sought,

assured me everybody is erasable.


When I recall those moments, it hurts.

It hurts to laugh so hard at my willing.

That I ever believed gravity could grow

from such loose fibres and feelings reverts

I, she, all of you back to what we’d kill to know:


Whose is the face that you will see

when your eyelids kiss for the final time?

Who will you wait for when their time is near?

Only then can you know the identity

of the one you’ve truly loved every second of every year.

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MindNumbing commented on Perpendicular Parallels


I think you've possibly penned my favorite line, of any poem, ever written. "Whose is the face that you will see when your eyelids kiss for the final time?" This really struck a chord, Arron. On MANY levels, and not just the typical "love chord", either. Thank you for this one.

wamomo commented on Perpendicular Parallels


You must be a vampire...that's the only possible explanation for the unbelievable wisdom & depth packed into that young mind of old are you really??...c'mon...fess Brilliant, as usual... :-)

Hampton commented on Perpendicular Parallels


Beautifully done...................................................................Hampton



Thank you so much Hampton. And grats on the win btw.



And my thanks to you as well.

HarverTomsson commented on Perpendicular Parallels


Oh, you wretched romantic you! I hope my daughter marries one of your clan. Harv



Haha, probably my favourite comment ever Harv! Thanks :)

ginga commented on Perpendicular Parallels


Arron, The break-up always knocks us off our feet, wondering how the lover fooled us into thinking they were still in love. You have aptly described the heartbreak so succinctly causing the reader to feel deeply the subject's loss. ginga



Causing the reader to feel anything at all is poetry working. Thank you deeply for this great honour.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

arronpalmer’s Poems (36)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Dispute, Donnybrook, Dustup 2
Coasting 2
Funeral Party 2
Clemency Coveted, Glory Gained 0
(Skinny, Decaf) Tea With The Vicar 0
Sonnet No.1 1
Fill Him Noir 0
Lain Puisi Cinta 10
Run Aground 5
Perpendicular Parallels 6
SnowfLAkes 3
Usual Tuesday 2
A Life Less Illustrious 16
Brackets 20
New Light 16
A Simple Declaration 15
This Chair Can Be Throne Away 15
Haiku for the Crab 21
Cometment 6
The Fight Becomes a Thrill 9
Falling Once Again 7
Hand Paint in Black (for LNH) 2
The Answer 7
Lemonade 4
The Writer and The Artist 8
Greater Expectations 3
Winter Looks 4
Dust 2
King & Queen of Broken Hearts 5
Two Wars Rage 3
Heartaches Don't Come With Handbrakes (for LNH) 3
C.R.A.P. 2
Big Boy Lost 6
Soar Point Ponderings #39 2
Young Love's Lament 4
Coffee 7