Falling Once Again


Falling Once Again

I fell for you darling, now I’m falling once again,

Albeit, in a completely shit, polar opposite way

As the nervous excitement turns to despair and pain.

I might work my way back up, but it takes all day


Whilst then it takes just one thing to send me reeling,

Like walking in a valley with only one shoe:

Up and down but so far from help and healing.

There are bad days, and worse ones too


When the bed that seemed so small doesn’t seem so small at all,

And someone else produces the laugh that used to fuel me and although

I check my phone like a newborn baby; I know you’ll never call.

So I’ll sit up on this lonely shelf with the stereo you bought me a lifetime ago


Listen to this song and review, regret and rue the things I did wrong, such crimes,

And I’ll let a tear run with the chords and search for the strain

In the eyes of reanalysed yous in photographs from better times.                    

I fell for you darling, now I’m falling once again.


I find it’s harder once the sun goes home for the night.

I fix myself a drink; I stop myself from making two.

Catching my reflection in the toaster, I ask, “Will you be alright?”

He looks at me with salty eyes and replies “will you?”


We both smile at the silly mess we’re in;

It’s a guilty smile, because I know it’s my fault I’m here

Constantly vying for a wake up I think we should nearing

Because I’m scared these weeks will turn into months and a year


But as those kissless connotations give me peppered palpitations,

The final flicker of something vaguely resembling hope finally dies in the rain.

You took me further than I had ever been:

I fell for you darling, now I’m falling once again.

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tierra7 commented on Falling Once Again


WOW! truly a dynamic piece...I am sooo enjoyin' some of your writes...as I sip on some tea....delightfully intriguin' and ever-so lovely pieces...I shall return to read much more...Love N Light, Tierra@}-'-,



Again, I can't thank you enough Tierra! I'm so humbled you're enjoying my work, I vow to get round more of yours after the weekend. Oh, and I'm a Tea person too, as you know what Coffee does to me lol!!

Jammin commented on Falling Once Again


Wow. Incredible. How thick with substance and truth. What's interesting is that even though your meter changes from stanza to stanza, the rhythmic flow perfectly suits the ABAB rhyme scheme. And I love the use of eye rhyme! It's old school but always a favorite. But best of all is the tone and the conveyed imagery: a sense of helpless numbness and grief beneath the surface. Thanks for posting. I love this poem.



Thank you so much! I haven't come across you before, but I will definitely get around to reading some of your work. Thank you so much for stopping by :)

ImStillHere commented on Falling Once Again


Awww This poem is really good, with a ABAB rhyming strategy :D very well done! like Julie said, you do have a very unique style, especially when describing something. [Catching my reflection in the toaster, I ask, “Will you be alright?”He looks at me with salty eyes and replies “will you?”]- loved this verse :) ~Audrey



Hey there Audrey! Thanks for stopping by. And thank you very much for your kind feedback, I normally attempt more obscure schemes than ABAB, but I enjoyed this one. Makes the piece sound quite simplistic though, but I guess it allows the imagery to come through.

julieannetx commented on Falling Once Again


I really like it. You have a unique style, so descriptive and so real to life. I look forward to reading more.



Thank you so much, I will be getting round to commenting everyone's poetry at some point soon. By the way, is it Julie or Julie-Anne? Thanks again :)

purdylox commented on Falling Once Again


this poem is great the balance in off a little that effects the flow some but great poem and looking forward to reading the rest of your poems :)



Hey there, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment, it is much appreciated. I actually recognise fully what you say about the rhythm in this piece, so thank you for confirming it, it is nicely-delivered constructive criticism like this that makes this site so useful. Thanks again :)



you are completely welcome it sux to have a masterpiece painting to later find a hair has dryed in the paint. would have been much better for someone to tell the artist of the hair before the paint dried. you seem to be headed to a master piece and just so glad to see the work evolve from great to perfection

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

arronpalmer’s Poems (36)

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Funeral Party 2
Clemency Coveted, Glory Gained 0
(Skinny, Decaf) Tea With The Vicar 0
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New Light 16
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This Chair Can Be Throne Away 15
Haiku for the Crab 21
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The Fight Becomes a Thrill 9
Falling Once Again 7
Hand Paint in Black (for LNH) 2
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Lemonade 4
The Writer and The Artist 8
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Winter Looks 4
Dust 2
King & Queen of Broken Hearts 5
Two Wars Rage 3
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C.R.A.P. 2
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Young Love's Lament 4
Coffee 7