The Writer and The Artist


The Writer and The Artist

After the storm has died

You can’t look at me nor speak.

Though the thunder may subside,

The rain still wets your cheeks.


There’s an urge to forgive and unite at the lips,

But films tell me not to respond.

So whilst my hands grip my hips,

Yours wipe your lashes black to blonde.


Shall I leave? Sit on the roof?

If I did, I’d want you to follow.

I see you searching for lies in my truth-

When you’re so full of doubt, you’re so hollow.


You shake with your fury; I’m still with mine,

Dreaming of dead days when you were fonder

And expired evenings when we’d lovingly entwine.

In the crackling silence I ponder:


What’s to love about Love and adulation?

All it does is break hearts in half.

And whilst I write our reconciliation,

You paint your “fuck off”.


This has been the worst one yet-

It’s dangerous getting comfortable.

You lose the will to impress and forget

That you’re in graver danger when you’re stable.


But all of this is a waste on a scale far too grand:

The wrong kind of passion dictates us two.

So tell me what to do, tell me where I stand-

Tell me I’m still stood with you.


Almost scared to finish what we’ve started,

We should be revelling in what we’re building

Not joining forces to get us parted,

Frightened that later a deeper love will sting.


Although storms will brew the art is

To never let lightning strike twice, so let’s try-

Because Ellie’s writer and the artist:

You know that that is you and I.


And we know clouds don’t stay forever,

We know the sun shines through.

So I’ll wish upon the rainbow we uncover

That if I have to survive a storm or two


Then I survive them with you.

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mjosey commented on The Writer and The Artist


Ah the relationship between artist and artist, creator and creator, both with rich imagination and dramatic, passionate chaos in understanding the human condition. Creative people are so passionate in their own ways and when they're not understood or they are rejected...the storm is strong. Thanks for sharing.

yasminerules commented on The Writer and The Artist


I have no words for this but beyond beautiful. Even if your intention wasn't for it to be beautiful, the words....I have to say I'm glad I'm not in a relationship because it would just justify the problems we are bound to have. But I know sooner or later I will be in a relationship.



Thank you so much Yasmine, such kind feedback. Relationships can be straining and upsetting at times, but they also offer so much happiness and companionship, which more than offsets the bad times. Whilst this poem highlights the ill mood following an argument, its intention is to actually suggest hope and optimism, in that arguments can be a normal, and even strengthening, aspect of a relationship, hence a fight, or a "storm" as it is depicted here, need not necessarily spell the end for two persons' union, as a "rainbow" always follows the rain.

kdarcy commented on The Writer and The Artist


A feeling story of how relationships can go up and down, etc. I enjoyed the descriptions you painted so well, thanks for sharing k



Yep, I often read of relationships in extremely happy circumstances, a passionate love letter-type poem, or ones that have completely soured, or bit the dust completely. So I thought I'd add one where it is acknowledged fights may arise, but that it does not have to spell the end. It is a realistic, optimistic poem. Thanks for reading and commenting K :)



You are most welcome, I shall check out others you have crafted, be well k

PoetWithCancer commented on The Writer and The Artist


On a third reading, I see the meaning of the title. You are the writer; she is the "artist." Actually, she is the painter. Bot a poet and a painter are both artists. // I suggest this title: "The Writer and the Painter, Together and Apart" That is just a suggestion; your poem is still good with the title that it now has. // Of course, the poem itself is the main thing, and there you have done a good job, and have written something interesting, pleasing, and moving. // Okay, now I can go and take care of those drudgeries I have in front of me.



Hi there Michael, you are spot on. I am the writer, she is the artist. Though all forms of expression may be accredited to an 'artist', I wholeheartedly agree, the reason I originally wrote the female character as an artist as opposed to a painter, and the reason why I shall decline your kind offer of a revised title, is that the title refers to a song we both love as a couple. It is a song by the British singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding, titled 'The Writer', in which she sings to an "artist" to "build her out of clay" whilst "[she] will be the writer". The girl in my poem sings this to me with a slight change of phrasing to capture the gender reversal (I became Miss Goulding's writer, whilst my girlfriend assumed the role of Miss Goulding's "artist" boyfriend), hence the line in my poem: "Ellie's writer and the artist: tell me that is you and I". Thus, it appears that it is in fact Miss Goulding who originally neglected the fact that ‘artist’ is a term that lends itself to more forms of expression than simply painting, rather than myself, and I am simply alluding to Miss Goulding’s song in a message to my girlfriend, the ‘painter’ ;) Nevertheless, I was very pleased to read you were satisfied with the rest of my poem. As a big fan of your work, this is a pleasant revelation for me. So thank you for taking the time to read not once, but three times through my poem and I look forward to further mutual reading and commenting between our works. Oh, and I do hope those drudgeries were not too taking in the end my friend.

PoetWithCancer commented on The Writer and The Artist


Not bad. I'll give this more comment, later. Right now, sorry to say, I must take care of some drudgeries. But I will return, sooner or later--God willing.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

arronpalmer’s Poems (36)

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