King & Queen of Broken Hearts


King & Queen of Broken Hearts

Brand new deck,

Split the pack,

I’ll bite your neck,

You’ll stab my back.

When that feeling starts,

Our hands are shown-

We’ll both break our hearts,

But we’ll never be alone.

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blvdobd2009 commented on King & Queen of Broken Hearts


Wow, that to me really was discovery....How do you learn to say so much in so few words...That is such a gift....I feel this way almost everyday when I see my boyfriends face....I have the exact same emotion as you have so brilliantly capture...My Goodness....I loved this read

knight4696 commented on King & Queen of Broken Hearts


Very Clevr AP! :) I like cards .. but love Chess, being a Knight and all .. well Sometimes its best to shuffle before splitting the pack. lol! Love the metaphor! Great job! :) Ken

stefy commented on King & Queen of Broken Hearts


Hi young guy! I noticed that you`re very talented.this is nice description and i like the metaphor in it.....a clever message indeed:)



Hi there! Thank you so much, yeah I was just playing with simple ABAB rhyme and metaphors. Thanks for commenting:)

lustfulsoul commented on King & Queen of Broken Hearts


The metaphorical content speaks loudly. At face value, this piece offers acceptance of what's there to come, "I’ll bite your neck, you’ll stab my back". Yet, the poem can lead the reader to many routes for discussion. Well done.



I agree LS, and the multi-route reader perception poetry offers that keep me hooked to writing and reading time and time again. Thank you for your kind feedback.

WordSlinger commented on King & Queen of Broken Hearts


Heaven ya, what a great perspective, lol, jokers in the deck??? ty WS



Haha, yep forgot the Jokers! Was playing around with metaphors- Love is like a game of cards! Thanks for stopping by :)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

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