Sweet Home


  • Emotional

    Sweet Home

                                             Many years passed in this domain
                                             Many  moments to pass in this cave
                                             Each day and night to go through some inclination
                                             Some may be happier some may be ridiculous
                                           It's a space with lots of own resemblances
                                           Identifications of each human beings
                                           All've different occassions of speciality
                                           Some time may be solemnly other time be inspiring
                                          Huge house with lots of greenry 
                                          It mayn't be a utltra modern look
                                          All fruits and fern trees're planted
                                           With some worthy and enviromental thoughts

                                           My attachment and worship is in this destination
                                           Some harsh movement  thought of leaving this  
                                             There in crises selling 's also advice by   
                                            But this's my blessed home ,I feel now
                                             It's now a herritage for my little ones
                                             They may've reminiscenes of all
                                              For me it's cosy room with my spirit
                                               To live here till I die's the motivation.


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    Forestbird commented on Sweet Home


    I like it. It is well written and have a lot of content. I left my home which I leaved in for lots of years to build another home in different country.And I alwys felt that my home is where my children are, but they are grown and gone and now grand children are comming in this home and it is home again



    TY for the comment.Happy to know your feeling.

    Teardrops commented on Sweet Home


    great write wonderful flow loved it you will always have a home as long as there is love Marie



    Ty for comment.After long time written words're inspiring.

    freemansvoice commented on Sweet Home


    so much goes into building a home. it is more than the four walls. your little ones will always be at home where you are



    Thanks for good comment.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

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