Invincible Bonding


  • Emotional

    Invincible Bonding

                                      High or low,width or breadth,sallow or deapth
                                      There's something flying and ridding in me and you
                                       As more and more you're entangled within it
                                  Thoughts're spreading it's wings flying above blue sky

                                   Appearance and form's in everyone eye
                   One describes you as special outline may be perfect or not
                                  They may like or neglect you as humanbeing
                                      When they feel your deed for their existence
                                     They praise you and otherway you're alone

                               Line of illuminated rays're there within you and space
                             It's brighting you and prevents from incidental approaches
                             No vaccum can be fulfilled with material consideration
                             Tiny invincible bonding's with you forever
                            you're unaware and unknown of bonding
                             Every percipation declares eager events
                               Listen to the invincible bonding expresses lot
                              you're your furtune teller if deeply involved.

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
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    Invincible Bonding 0
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