Life's what?


  • Philosophy

    Life's what?

    Life's full of sorrow or sorrow as the path

    Life's full of passiveness or positive side of way

    Life's full of wrong ways or ways to make the right path

    Life's full of darkness or sunshine rays of hope

    Life's full of badness or leading towards goodness

    Life's full of evilness or sanitory saint thinking

    Life's full of clumsiness or no sence of cruelness

    Feel the life within yourself as Geeta's laid_

    No sorrow no pain nothing's real in life

    It's drama of living,we're performing

    Different characters different roles

    Each one thinks in his own styles

    Everyone defines his own happiness

    We see others more lucky than us

    But deep root of satisfaction's nowhere

    So don't hope too much of everything

    It washed out anytime of gaining

    Just do the deed and leave everything to God.

    Poem Comments


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    WormHolz commented on Life's what?


    helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocomment on my profile busted

    ginga commented on Life's what?


    jyothi, I like the ultimate message in this poem, that one's happiness may be something simple and pure not materialistic or complicated. ginga



    TY for comment.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mother 0
    Deadly Disease 0
    Just a lady 2
    The Flying Mind 5
    Alzheimer's one 3
    Frighten to die 11
    European World 5
    Lost in wonder 5
    Son 4
    Meaningful Circumstances 1
    Unknown destination 3
    Sweet Home 3
    Invincible Bonding 0
    Alone 4
    Humble Life 1
    Destituted Child 1
    Myself 3
    Political Leaders 1
    Sound of River 4
    Daughter 1
    Rama 4
    Travelling 2
    Me and My friend 2
    Life's what? 2
    Who could you be like that? 3
    The Lovely Soul 2
    Who does What? 4