Alzheimer's one


Alzheimer's one

                   You're lost within yourself without any path
                    You're known to all but unknown within own
                    You're directed by thoughts but for short fickle time
                     You're grown old but memories of the child
                   Once you were commander of the home
                    Once you were director of wide vision
                    Once you've earned lot of prestige and knowledge
                    Once you've shown path of living to many
                     Now  you're lost within yourself without any path
                   You're still my father who shown me my childhood
                   You 're still the one who crafted ambition within me
                    You're the truly the who inclined feeling of truthfulness in
                    You're the hero for me which ways I want to go through
                    As day's passing more and more aloofness's seen
                    You're need of affection and gaudiness within us
                    You'll not be lost within yourself 
                    Therese creations and critics of you within country
                    I'm proud to be the daughter of you.

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ginga commented on Alzheimer's one


jyothi, A wonderful tribute to a great Dad who suffers from a debilitating brain illness. God bless him and may you have a Happy New Year. ginga



TY for thought. JY

kdarcy commented on Alzheimer's one


A fine tribute, the point of love is well understood in this write. This is a terrible way to suffer, being trapped to/from those that love you, thanks for sharing, be well and Happy New Year to you k



TY for thought.JY

Olan01 commented on Alzheimer's one


Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that can strike anyone; my grandmother had it in the seventies but then they call it senility. You have crafted a loving tribute to your father and it is well written. Happy Holidays, Olan.



TY for comment.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

jyothi’s Poems (27)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mother 0
Deadly Disease 0
Just a lady 2
The Flying Mind 5
Alzheimer's one 3
Frighten to die 11
European World 5
Lost in wonder 5
Son 4
Meaningful Circumstances 1
Unknown destination 3
Sweet Home 3
Invincible Bonding 0
Alone 4
Humble Life 1
Destituted Child 1
Myself 3
Political Leaders 1
Sound of River 4
Daughter 1
Rama 4
Travelling 2
Me and My friend 2
Life's what? 2
Who could you be like that? 3
The Lovely Soul 2
Who does What? 4