Sound of River


  • Philosophy

    Sound of River

                        Mutual life's like flowing rivers
                        from both sides of snowy mountain
                        In the beginning these two flow nearer and nearer
                        with some enthusiasm and commitment attached together

                         There's full energetic wave and force for new direction
                          certain objectives and responsibilities lead the path
                          Now new rocky mountain try to entangled them to search
                          Boothe hibernated with little doubts and suspense
                          but still move on together for some ways

                         After certain walks both willing to go on own ways
                         Seems both wanting to focus on special move
                         One's moving along the Ganges and pebbles with interest
                         Other's just for the sake of move couldn't meet the speed

                        Are they blaming each other for continuity of force
                        Both don't understand real speed of life
                        Not expressing much still together on some thought
                        May be they'll be some days
                         for them to unit or to separate.
                        either to unit.               

    Poem Comments


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    danmartyjake1 commented on Sound of River


    Finely crafted jewel of water poetry and use of imagery and words with distinct detail as the reader feels the words and belongs there in spirit. Your pics on your page are breathtaking, too! ;-)



    TY for encouragement uplifting spirited words.

    ginga commented on Sound of River


    jyothi, I have a penchant for poems about water and rivers. A fine poem this is , raw in its beauty and organic in its details. ginga



    Thanks for comment. I'm new in the field of poems.

    mustascheman commented on Sound of River


    I guess life is like a river, tranquil at times, turbulant at other times. Nice piece of work here. I admit I had some trouble with some areas where some of the words were pieced together but over-all a good poem. A.T.



    Thanks for liking and good sugestion.

    Rhymer commented on Sound of River


    Very descriptive and interesting write. 10.....................................



    thanks for liking my little conscious.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mother 0
    Deadly Disease 0
    Just a lady 2
    The Flying Mind 5
    Alzheimer's one 3
    Frighten to die 11
    European World 5
    Lost in wonder 5
    Son 4
    Meaningful Circumstances 1
    Unknown destination 3
    Sweet Home 3
    Invincible Bonding 0
    Alone 4
    Humble Life 1
    Destituted Child 1
    Myself 3
    Political Leaders 1
    Sound of River 4
    Daughter 1
    Rama 4
    Travelling 2
    Me and My friend 2
    Life's what? 2
    Who could you be like that? 3
    The Lovely Soul 2
    Who does What? 4