

  • Loss


                             Rama's name lies in my mind
                           This's the name that's linked with me

                           One with generousity and kindness in heart 

                          Worried for others than one ownself
                          A bold women with wide vision of life

                           Accurate destination of right  purpose
                           My chidhood friend I remember most
                            Born with silver spoon but behave common

                           Never shows ego though have royal living
                          Passing many obstacles married childhood lover
                         Devoted mother and friendly wife
                       As we love her God loved more

                       Struggle with disease had to leave the world

                       Leaving us unknown path to worship you. 



    Poem Comments


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    freemansvoice commented on Rama


    to live unselfishly should be a goal for all. sorry for the worlds loss.



    Ty for reliazing the thought of lossing the dear one.

    ginga commented on Rama


    jyothi, I felt I was reading one's diary. Excellent reflections on life. ginga

    Rhymer commented on Rama


    Touching and well written poem,................ten from me.

    SuSpence commented on Rama


    This is a very touching poem and a wonderful tribute to what sounds like a dear friend and a kind soul. Your heart may be weak with sorrow but your words are strong with poetic prowess.



    I wasn't expecting such colorful comment from new friend.Thanks.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Mother 0
    Deadly Disease 0
    Just a lady 2
    The Flying Mind 5
    Alzheimer's one 3
    Frighten to die 11
    European World 5
    Lost in wonder 5
    Son 4
    Meaningful Circumstances 1
    Unknown destination 3
    Sweet Home 3
    Invincible Bonding 0
    Alone 4
    Humble Life 1
    Destituted Child 1
    Myself 3
    Political Leaders 1
    Sound of River 4
    Daughter 1
    Rama 4
    Travelling 2
    Me and My friend 2
    Life's what? 2
    Who could you be like that? 3
    The Lovely Soul 2
    Who does What? 4