Political Leaders


  • Philosophy

    Political Leaders

            Leaders aren't made by themselves
            Leaders  are nothing if there's no followers
            Leaders   have no existence without-the mass
             Leaders   have no place if can't make the loft

            What they think knowledge and education rule the people?
             How to mesmerize the people for longer is the hope?
             To be in the chair for good time is the move
              To get the power over ignorent  livings
             Foolish are the mass to follow the leader
             Taking advantages for their necessary needs 
             Few get the chances rest are waiting
             Hoping for the brighter days to come

             One should be the saint or the suffer to be a chief
             One should be the God's man or women
             A  thinker for the others not for oneself 
              A devotee and far sighted with humanity love

           Not all 're selfish some have the vision
           Leading the country for prosperity and innovation
           Fewer there to make the sacrifice for blood and tears
           So the world's remain in the brighter ways.        

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    cheronld commented on Political Leaders


    You are right in stating a leader is nothing without its flock.....some say leaders are made and some say they are born....to me its one and the same....out of our circumstances in life we form roots which continue to grow as we travel along the road of life....you have made a blue print of such a journey which was nice to follow...Cher




    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jyothi’s Poems (27)

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