  • Emotional
    • WrittenJustice
    • just need to know if any of this is worth a damn...thanks!


      Bluest eyes from innocense graces
    little looks from the smallest of faces
    their arms outstretched, their hands held high
    expressions not words, speaking their mind
      Ignored tho, they sit
    not knowing quite why, arms outstretched
    they tremble and cry
      Some cry for from hunger, some cry from fear
    of that which is missing so long were they near
      Often abandoned and left on their own
    there is nothing for them, no house and no home
      These children don't eat, a sleep without grace
    frail arms drawn up close, to hide a hallowed face
      They did not ask to be here today
    the choices wern't theirs their decsions unmade
      Tomorrow begins another day new
    for those who awake to a heart wrenching view
      For there are no friends withing their cold life
    hardly any scraps over which to fight
      Too many have died well over a million
    thoulsands a day so suffer the children

    SPC Knight Gregory M
     NTC Jan 04

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    dawn7191 commented on SUFFER THE CHILDREN...


    You writting is soooo good. This one really made me cry.

    Mandi commented on SUFFER THE CHILDREN...


    I like this poem. It is well educated by way of travels around the workl that give many poems their great appeal. Are you in the Middle East . Or were you? Either way, I think you have an enjoyable poetic style.

    kpeery09 commented on SUFFER THE CHILDREN...


    Its very good, like i said before you deffinitly know how to make a good flow. And this is coming from a guy whos in a college and has taken a english course, I mean I write almost like this as well, but theres no worry because most of us cant always use rhymes in a poem, because most of us try using our heart to express our feelings by writing them. So keep it up, you are good, really good. I liked this one as well the other two a whole lot.

    bluewolf commented on SUFFER THE CHILDREN...


    With this poem you have achieved a rarity with this reader: tears. The knowledge of children who suffer from abandonment, hunger, abuse or any of such enrages me. While I am peaceful by nature, such “humans” would be easily given to remove such restraints and the like in turn by which they treat the most innocent of life would be returned.

    Desmotti commented on SUFFER THE CHILDREN...


    I get it...I see the imagery...sadness has her landscape and she paints her sorrow undelicately....Children of all who walk the plane of mortality...I shutter at their discomfort, and anger at those who hinder their progression.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    WrittenJustice’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    " Camaro" 4
    " TRANS AM" 1
    " Rachell" 3
    My old Friend 4
    Collector of Souls 8
    ANGEL FACE... 10
    GUILTY... 6
    TRUTH TOLD... 5
    LAYIN IT DOWN... 1
    HATRED... 3
    DAMNATION... 1
    BLIND... 1
    WINTER... 1
    Betrayal 3
    Manevolence 0
    WAR.... 1
    ALONE... 0
    Love... 0
    Love of Misfortune...
    SALVATION... 1
    LIFE..... 0