

  • Lost Love


    slowly I sink into this quiet abyss....

    walls of silence surround....

    where is the laughter I so miss...

    where is the love we found....

    what happened to the dreams we had..

    have they faded like the sunset....

    all that was happy now seems sad...

    and left with empty regret....

    the words won't come we used to speak...

    the ones that made us smile...

    that took us to the highest peak...

    to rest for a while...

    and now the silence deafens me...

    and soon the truth will be known...

    for you no longer see me...

    and then you will be gone.....

    Poem Comments


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    cousinsoren commented on silence


    With a stretch of the imagiantion we can hear silence. Silence possesses strange sounds. Such sounds are either of nostalgia, solitude, meditation or introspection sadness and other moods. This poem seems to suggest a yearning for what was bedore, a sort of nostagia. It is a perfect and pleasant cccomposition. My rating is a full 10,

    stellar commented on silence


    As i notice...some of your poems theme is about fading...fading like the's kind of cyclic but nevertheless i love it

    joyce commented on silence


    I seek solace where there is none.... this poem is sooooooooo nice...though so sad,....

    1990lh commented on silence


    ah likethis a lot the mood is kinda sad but that pk i still like the poem nice write



    Thank you very much for your comment and I am very pleased that you enjoyed it...

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Sweet Dreams 1
    Music 3
    Seasons 2
    silence 4
    Her Embrace 0
    Her Memory 1
    The Demon 0
    Alone 0
    Dreams Oft Come 0
    Autumn Sun 1
    e- 2
    I'm Only Mortal 7
    Autumn Girl 4
    Indi Eyes 3
    Autumn Mist 3
    the fool... 5
    She Taught me.... © 3
    Wo Ai Ni © 3