Dreams Oft Come


  • Love

    Dreams Oft Come

    dreams come so oft when I sleep..

    they gently settle in...

    and it is there your heart I keep..

    where your love did begin...

    they take me there, so close to you

    and it is where I want to be..

    in your love I hold so true....

    for it is only you I see...

    you come to me when night surrounds...

    you come to me when sleep prevails...

    and speak to me of love with no bounds...

    and like a ship, love's wind fills my sails...

    to sail upon the sea of heart...

    to shelter within your love so safe to be...

    and from that place to make our start...

    to journey upon love's sea...

    forever more to be by your side...

    as we travel within our dreams...

    upon sea of heart we will abide...

    beneath the moon's soft beams...

    wo ai ni.....

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

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